Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



Chord ID

Chord ID trains chord identification by ear. Chord ID has three answer modes: Functions (Roman numerals), Chords (C Maj, Dmin, etc.), Qualities (Maj, min, dim). Graduated exercises begin with the easy task of identifying only the I or V chords.

Easy Projects .NET Enterprise

Easy Projects .NET is the latest generation web-based Project Management and Task Tracking System. It is called "Easy Projects" because it was specially designed to make software project management straightforward and hassle-free.

12Ghosts Lookup

Click your way through to data in a snap of a second that would otherwise cost you hours to find on the Internet or in a book. Look up zip and area codes, compare countries worldwide, expand acronyms easily, or use a measurement converter.

Email Pump

Send mass email using text files, databases using tables, queries. With Access, the database option is very powerful, allowing you to use tables or queries with mail-merge, and mix database fields and text input in your messages.

Alkonost MaxFormat

Alkonost MaxFormat enables to format floppy disks to maximum capacity with maximum efficiency. MaxFormat can also duplicate diskettes with standard and non-standard formats, verify, make bootable (even with DMF format) and copy files to the diskette.

Calendar Constructer

Create and print calendars and keep organized with this intuitive program. Options to load from tray, change fonts and colors, export to bitmap and insert clip art and images. Includes automatic holidays, daylight saving, religious dates, etc..


This software product concerned with synchronization of standard personal data between Lotus Notes software and mobile computer, based on Windows CE operating system. It easily synchronize your contacts, calendar, e-mail and tasks.

Natural Voice Text to Speech Reader

This is a free and fully functional text-to-speech software with Microsoft Voices. Just one-click, you can have your computer read any part of the news, weather forecast, charting messages, and e-mails.

Get File Size

Get Fil eSize is an Internet Explorer add-on that allows you to find out the size of a file before downloading it. Now you can right-click the link to a file and select Get File Size, the program will immediately show you the size of the file.

FlexiMusic Kids Composer

"FlexiMusic Kids composer" is a music creating/composing software, for kids and for those who wants to see how easy music making can be.

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Любое открытие уничтожает тех, кто топтался поблизости, когда оно проклюнулось из-под земли.


Изя звонит Мойше на работу:
-- Привет, старый козел!
-- А вы знаете, с кем говорите? -- отвечает незнакомый голос.
-- С кем?
-- С генеральным директором фирмы, где работает ваш Мойша.
-- А вы знаете, с кем говорите?
- Нет.
-- Ну и слава Богу! -- говорит Изя и кладет трубку.


Скажи мне, кто я и я скажу тебе кто ты...

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