Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



Active ScreenSaver Builder

Award-winning screen saver editor allows you to combine images, text and multimedia. It features powerful command language, transition effects, easy to use wizard and supports avi/wav/mid/mp3 media files. Extra: templates for one-step screen savers.

Cresotech PocketSafe

Convenient PocketPC-based tool for safe storage of confidential information. PocketSafe provides the comfortable management and secure storage of passwords, nicknames, credit card, bank account and document data on your PDA.

Illustrated Book of Trees

An illustrated collection of poems. Written in imagistic style, the poems are both metaphysical and descriptive of trees and leaves and are photographically illustrated by the author, a former photojournalist and editor (as well as a published poet).


Advanced Image Search with Google and AltaVista search engines. GoogImager - a small utility for making a query to the some images search engines. You can switch between search in different engines and different types of search with one click!

DISLIN for Intel Compilers icl, ifl

DISLIN is a high-level and easy to use plotting library for displaying data as curves, bar graphs, pie charts, 3D-colour plots, surfaces, contours and maps. Several output formats are supported such as X11, VGA, PostScript, PDF, CGM, PNG and TIFF.

MP3 Splitter

It is an easy-to-use tool for splitting an MP3 file into smaller ones. You can pre-listen the MP3 file, set start time and end time, split or cut any section of the MP3 file. It also splits equal parts either by size or by time.


Keep track of all documents and emails you make and store them with your Outlook contacts. With our Contact relation management (crm) tool. This tool is developed by Dynamic Solutions for easy use with Microsoft Outlook 2000/XP


Nutrition is an educational program which allows you to gain more control over body weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Nutrition also includes therapy information and basic nutritional facts.

3D Kit Builder (Flybridge Cruiser)

Build a complex 3D Model of a Flybridge Cruiser. All ages will have fun learning the basics of 3D modelling with this interactive 3D graphics program.

3Digital Screensaver

3Digital saver takes you into a 3D virtual journey through the digital world of high technology.

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Никогда не беспокой другого тем, что ты можешь сделать сам.
Л. Толстой


- товарищ Рабинович, - говорит секретарь на заседании парт
бюро, - у вас есть мнение по этому вопросу?
- у меня есть мнение, но я с ним не согласен!


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