
MiniNotes is designed to fast-track and organize text files on your desktop while you work. It was orginally developed as a software development tool, someplace where you could keep a multiple of text files organized while you work.
But you can do
CamSurveillance supports you on the way to a secure company. Adjust up to 50 IP addressable network cameras with motion detection and run them simultaneous.
Advanced Forums
Advanced Forums is an Advanced Portal product offered to any website hosted with us. It is capable of running any kind of forums online. It allows users to communicate and share information, get support, and discuss issues online.
Acubix PicoZip
PicoZip is an easy to use award-winning file compression utility packed with lots of features. Many advanced features helps you manage ZIP files, as well as most other popular archive formats like CAB, RAR, ACE, ARJ, BH, GZ, LHA, JAR, TAR and ZOO.
Aid Submission Genius
Submit your software to 300 software sites using new submission principle - an online submission robot, the most accurate auto-submission system. All you need to do is to fill one form or enter your PAD URL, all the rest will be done automatically.
Dr. Lunatic
The evil Dr. Lunatic is taking the brains out of zombies and putting them into other zombies to create a race of Super Zombies! Can you stop him? 5 worlds, over 70 levels, 50 different monsters, tons of weapons and items, action with thinking.
Horas helps you keep track of the time around the world by letting you create several clocks corresponding to different time zones. Horas has many features including the automatic adjustment of your computer clock.
Far From The Madding Crowd
Far From The Madding Crowd, by Thomas Hardy.
In 19th c. Wessex, women are not supposed to be as independent as Bathsheba Everdene. Her willful behavior has unexpected results in the lives of three men who love her.
iSeekTraffic Pro
iSeekTraffic greatly simplifies the submission of your site to over 150,000+ search engines, directories and links pages in our database.
With the ability to click on the links for proof your being listed!!!
Automatic Doorway Page Generator!
EZBurn DVD to VCD Copy and Burn
Step 1: Insert a DVD into your DVD drive.
Step 2: Insert a blank CDR into your CDR drive.
Step 3: Click the Go! button.Your VCD will be ready when the CDR tray ejects.
One-click all in one DVD to VCD copier with CDR burner built in.
Закон - паутина: маленькие насекомые погибают в ней, крупные же благополучно пробиваются. Анахарсис
Когда одному шотландцу из Абердина рассказали анекдот о том, что габровцы перед тем, как лечь спать, останавливают часы, чтобы зря не портился их механизм, он заметил, что шотландцы поступают так же и, в свою очередь, поведал: -- У меня есть сосед, который держит под кроватью тромбон. Когда ему нужно ночью или ранним утром узнать, который час, он открывает окно и трубит. Всегда находится кто-нибудь, кто, проснув- шись, крикнет: "Какой идиот поднимает шум в два часа ночи?"
Легко в веселье, тяжело в похмелье.