
Animated Desktop
Animated Desktop is a unique program that allows you to put animated themes, based on Flash animations, Active X components and HTML pages onto your Windows desktop. The software includes a tool for creating your own animated themes as well.
Abilities Builder Divide Whole Numbers
Improve whole number division computation skills from simple to complex problems. Generate printed worksheets that reinforce the on-screen activities. Multi-sensory approach using the Microsoft Agent character Peedy the parrot.
Note Studio for Windows
A powerful note-taking system for your PC. The priority is on getting notes down quickly. It is inspired by wiki technology, and allows simple text formatting (headings, bold, tables, etc), as well as notes which link together like web pages.
Neo Napster
NeoNapster is a free file sharing program based on the Gnutella protocol. Similar to Napster and Morpheus, NeoNapster gives users the ability to search for, download, and share music, videos, software, pictures, and more with millions of other users.
AddInternet Buscar Dominio
AddInternet Buscar Dominio es un software gratuito que te permite buscar dominios internet libres para registrar asн como averiguar quien es el dueсo de un dominio mediante bъsquedas en la base de datos gloal Whois.
Binary Boy
Download files from newsgroups or from other users. Smart cache maximizes bandwidth. Import NZB files. Threaded decoder. Browse manually or collect files while you sleep. Find using single words, wildcards or use AND, OR and NOT rules. yEnc, MIME
ASP.NET DHTML Menu is a component (Server Control) for ASP.NET. It generates hierarchical DHTML menu for web sites. The component is based on XML and CSS. The generated HTML and client JavaScript is compatible with all popular browsers.
Abyss Web Server
Abyss Web Server X1 is a free and small personal web server. It supports HTTP/1.1, CGI scripts, Server Side Includes (SSI), access control, custom error pages, and features an intuitive remote web management interface.
Bricktris is a tree-dimational remake of the old popular game Tetris - the glass into which fall figures.The general task is always the same: complete the levels one by one untill the glass will be filled up
Password Administrator
Award-winning utility to manage password accounts. Features include grouping and sub-grouping, multiple databases, expiring passwords reminder, user-defined interface, super-fast searching, extensive reporting tool, auto-logon and more.
Между "не могу" и "не хочу" имеется пропасть, наполненная самообманом. Авессалом Подводный
В чайной беседуют два пьяницы. -- Я как выпью лишних сто граммов, то трактор уже не могу завести. -- Э-э-э-э!.. Это не такая уж беда! Вот я, когда выпью... триста граммов, так сколько ни глушу трактор, а он, стерва, не заводится...
Слон - это та же мышка, но с операционной системой.