
AB Commander LITE
A simple in use file manager and Explorer replacement with dual-panel user interface, toolbar, command prompt, folder navigation tools, and more. Closely integrated with the Windows user interface, fully supports shell extensions. FREE.
Chilkat AES & RSA Encryption Component
Chilkat Crypt is an advanced ActiveX encryption component that offers both RSA public-key
encryption with digital signatures as well as symmetric encryption algorithms including
AES (Rijndael), Blowfish, and Twofish.
Score "LineUps" of 4 of your pieces in a row up/down or left/right. Play a card to claim an empty piece on the board. Blue Joker allows you to claim any open space. Red Joker allows you to remove any opponents piece.
Overload is an unique logic game for 1 or 2 players on setting off chains of explosions to capture all the opponents pieces. Game has original rules and interesting gameplay. You should try Overload If you like such games as chess or checkers.
Mailbox Guard
The ultimate email protection against the cyberscam. It is effective against SPAM, viruses, worms, spyware and obscenity.
Bug Tracking/Defect Tracking Single User License
Bug Tracker is a software for bug tracking, defect tracking, issue tracking during software testing stage. It offers auto task assignment, bug attachment, powerful filter, flexible right control,flexible work flow, printing and automatic login.
Cellular Essentials
Cellular Essentials helps you to organize your phone book entries in a professional way and to easily read, save and send your SMS messages including logos and picture messages. An excellent logo editor completes the features of this program.
blueshell Active Tables for .NET
Use VB 5/6 as well as all the languages of .NET (like C#, VB.NET and J#) to connect to various databases including Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, Jet and more using ADO. Develop reliable and easy-to-use database applications in no time at all!
CGI Star Professional
Common Gateway Software (CGI) creation. Interactive web forms. Mail the form content or the entire page. Attach a file and send. Multi-form input or single click submission. Ideal for online order, feedback, subscriptions, etc. CGI on your server.
Сперва любовь, потом брак: сперва пламя, потом дым. Н. Шамфор
Юдин техасец, самодовольный, как и все его земляки, спросил у туриста: -- Знаете ли, какая разница между техасскими блохами и всеми остальными? - Нет. -- Разница та, что каждая наша блоха имеет свою собствен- ную собаку.
-Кто там? -Это я - почтальон Печкин. Принес журнал Плейбой с заметкой про вашего мальчикa. Сейчас я у вашего мальчика буду измерять...