Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



Mil Shield

Mil Shield 2.4 erase the tracks from your computer activities to protect your privacy. It cleans cookies, cache, history, INDEX.DAT files, AutoComplete data and many other. You can keep the tracks from some safe sites. There is also an emergency key.

DonationTree Shopper

The DonationTree shopper allows you to receive rebates when you shop online via supported merchants. The rebates can be allocated to 529 College Savings Plans, schools of your choice, charities of your choice, or other websites of your choice.

4TOPS Excel Import for MS Access 2000

4TOPS Excel Import Assistant is an excel import utility for all your access excel import needs. Use it to import excel to access in a controlled way.

AgendaMax Plus

Calendar software that tracks your appointments, tasks, holidays, notes and daily journals. Displays your life by the day, week, month or year. Isn't it time your life was organized? A powerful yet simple to use personal information manager.

Advanced Popup Killer 2003

BeyondIntolerance - Free Self-Counseling Software for Inner Peace

Free self-counseling software for inner peace. Use Inner Peace for inner peace. Let go of issues that interfere with inner peace. Create states that support inner peace. Easy to do. Enjoy Inner Peace. Share Inner Peace. Pass Inner Peace on to others.

Clu Clu Land

The action in this game takes place in the world called Clu Clu Land. This world is a closed space with several poles inside. You control a small creature living in this world. You move from one pole to another looking for hidden bars.


Stay in touch with those you love easily--without being a computer geek! FamilyMail is the fastest, easiest way to send emails to family and friends without all the fuss. No training needed. We guarantee it!

Hangman The Wild West II: Billy's Adventure - Demo

Hangman The Wild West II is a new twist of the popular Hangman game. This game has some cool features not available in standard hangman games such as fighting bandits and fun items. There are 4 fun game modes available.

Family Tree Legends

Family Tree Legends is the newest family tree software. With a fresh approach, Family Tree Legends has 3 advanced features that no other genealogy program has: Real-Time Internet Backup, Real-Time Internet Publishing, and SmartMatching.

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В пятнадцать лет танцы - удовольствие, в двадцать - предлог, в сорок - тягость.
А. Рикар


Городской интеллигент едет в машине по сельской мест-
ности. Его обгоняет курица. Он прибавляет газу. Курица бежит еще
быстрее. Машина мчится со скоростью 100 километров в час. В
это время курица сворачивает на птицеферму. Шофер остановил
машину, подошел к работнику фермы:
-- Что это за порода кур?
-- Недавно вывели. Мясная порода.
-- Вкусные?
-- А хрен их знает, догнать никто не может.


Сколько волка не корми, а у слона все равно больше.

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