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PHP Expert Editor
PHP Expert Editor is a tool for writing, editing, and debugging PHP scripts and HTML pages. It has internal browser, Debugger, Code Explorer, File Explorer, a built-in FTP client, Project Explorer, customizable Code Templates, etc.
BugCollector Web
BugCollector Web is a powerful, web-based multi-user database specifically designed to track software defects and feature requests. Includes built-in report designer, customizable charts, user-defined filters, automatic email, and more.
HVRaster - Programmers Editor Font
A Windows monospaced raster screen font especially designed for use in Programmer's IDEs and Editors like Visual Studio, Delphi, Codewright and Slickedit.
AccBrowser Source Code
AccBrowser is an ActiveX Control which is used to browse your Financial Accounting Database. It offers you the Browsing capability and reporting similar to the Financial Accounting Software without implementing these software in totality.
ActiveWizard is an easy-to-use ActiveX control that enables you to create 'Windows 2000 style' wizards. Just put an ActiveWizard control on your form, add some ActivePane controls, and the ActiveWizard control automatically resizes the Panes for you.
IMS is a bug-tracking system. The main advantages of the system are: carefully designed set of basic functions, security features, extensible and adaptable report generation system, professional-looking Web-based user interface.
Easy Compression Library
With Easy Compression Library you can add advanced compression and encryption functionality to your projects.
Key Features: Advanced compression algorithms, Compression on-the-fly, No DLLs, compiles right into your EXE, Strong encryption
blueshell Active Tables for .NET
Use VB 5/6 as well as all the languages of .NET (like C#, VB.NET and J#) to connect to various databases including Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, Jet and more using ADO. Develop reliable and easy-to-use database applications in no time at all!
Hotspot Builder
Hotspot Builder is a powerful tool that lets you create and edit graphics files with included hotspots. These are predefined regions that can operate as hotlinks to help topics, as pop-up links, or even as special macros. Download a trial copy now!
Существует поразительная возможность овладеть предметом математически, не поняв существа дела. А. Эйнштейн
- были фараоны и евреи. Фараоны вымерли, евреи остались. Бы ли инквизиторы и евреи. Инквизиторы вымерли, евреи остались. Были нацисты и евреи. Нацисты вымерли, евреи остались. Теперь есть коммунисты и евреи... - ты что хочешь сказать? - ничего! Евреи вышли в финал!..
Водку пивом запивает молодежь, молодежь, молодежь...