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» Development Tools
The BKPing v3.0 .NET class collection contains Ping and associated utility classes
for pinging one or more remote hosts. Documentation and examples of use in C# and VB.NET are also provided. Per Developer and Source Code Licensing are available.
JumpKeys Pro
A utility that uses hot keys for selecting (switching), minimizing, and maximizing windows (including child windows), making windows Always On Top, storing text in a tabbed clipbook, accelerated text editing and inserting text in virtually any window
Apex SQL Audit
Apex SQL Audit proves a comprehensive, enterprise level active data auditing tool for MicrosoftВ® SQL ServerВ© 7 or 2000 Database auditing unmatched on the market today.
4TOPS Word Link for MS Access 2000
Word Link enables you to add data from the Access database in Word and Word-related documents such as standard letters, invoices and reports.
Javascript Menu Builder PIXELATE
Javascript Menu Builder is a powerful Javascript-producing design tool for creating menu system with special effects on Web pages.
Horizon Text & HTML Project Workshop
Horizon Text & HTML Workshop provides the tools you need to manage Text & HTML projects. Has Multiple Document Interface, word processor, HTML tag Auto-complete, re-wrap/re-format, quotes/taglines manager, personal note pad, and many other features.
Apex SQL Edit
Apex SQL Edit is a complete development, editing and deployment environment for SQL Server Developers. Apex SQL Edit provides Visual Source Safe Integration and powerful features not found on other SQL editors
DISLIN for MS Visual C++
DISLIN is a high-level and easy to use plotting library for displaying data as curves, bar graphs, pie charts, 3D-colour plots, surfaces, contours and maps. Several output formats are
supported such as X11, VGA, PostScript, PDF, CGM, PNG and TIFF.