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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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Time Clock Manager Pro

An employee time clock and a management tool. Its allows user to clock in/clock out. It works with touch screen monitors. Also has reports to show clocked in and clock out times. The application has integrated security and can work with networks or


Our virtual sandbox technology protects your system's integrity when running untrusted software. Any attempt to modify files/registry, or connect out over the network will be automatically intercepted by Safe Launch.


SafeShopper allows you to verify an online store's security before you place an order online by clicking the SafeShopper button in your IE toolbar. SafeShopper provides you with an instant report as to if the online store is safe to shop at.

Save Flash

Save any flash animation with one click. Create your own collection of Flash animation offline. Save Flash allows to store likable flash-animations: flash games, flash cards, flash banners and cartoons.

Save Message Action for InboxRULES

Save Message can automatically save message body and attachments to a disk folder when message arrives to MS Outlook account or MS Exchange Server mailbox. It supports plain, RTF, HTML and native body format and normal, embedded and OLE attachments.

Save Web Based Email Honor System Shareware

A program to save your web based email such as HotMail to your harddrive as a space saving text file allowing multiple choice save paths


Java text-to-speech system, Say-It-Now!. This text-to-speech system converts English into speech in real time that you can incorporate on your webpages, with no recorded speech! (It is not streaming audio!). And, it loads extremely fast!


SBNews / News Robot: Binary Newsgroup Auto-Downloader w/ yEnc support. Automatically download and decode attachments from binary newsgroups. Works with all types of attachments including jpeg/gif/bmp images, mp3/wav audio files, etc.

SchemaToDoc Standard Edition

SchemaToDoc can transform MS-SQL and Oracle database schemas into easy-to-read Word documents. The program can document: Primary Keys, Field Information (type, size, defaults, nullable), Indexes, Check Constraints, Descriptions/Comments, Foreign Keys

SCP PDF Editor

SCP PDF Editor is a program to help you create acrobat pdf files, with some advanced features such as table, hyperlink and image support. No other software is required to create your pdf files. The program also supports password protected pdf files.

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Трудно разумному долгий вести разговор с дураками. Но и все время молчать - сверх человеческих сил.


Выступает секретарь тульского областного отделения союз
- товарищи, если до революции в тульской области жил толь-
ко один писатель - Лев Толстой, то теперь тульское отделение
Союза писателей насчитывает целых 14 писателей!


Ложись, девки, большая и маленькая!

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