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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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SecEx Secure Shell Client

SecEx is a graphical SCP and SFTP client and secure terminal emulator that allows encrypted file transfer to and from SSH Servers. Supports SSH1 and SSH2 servers on both Unix and Windows.

uCertify Study Notes for exam 70-218

Get Free Study Notes. Prepare for Managing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Environment(70-218) certification exam. Use this Study Notes to be certified on MCP, MCSE, MCSA certifications.

uCertify Study Notes for exam 70-219

Get Free Study Notes. Prepare for Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure(70-219) certification exam. Use this Study Notes to be certified on MCP, MCSE certifications.


Reveal unindexed pages and increase search engine coverage. Uncover which pages are not in the top search engines, submit this and gather missing traffic. See exactly what pages are or are not indexed by the engines. Use the 45 day trial.

Secure Browser

Secure Browser offers the administrator the ability to control where the user navigates on the nternet through the use of key words and specified URLs. A perfect solution for companies that want to display their website at a store or show.

Secure HTML Lock

If you are a web designer, you know how much time, energy and money it takes to create a unique and professional Web Page, you also know how easy it is for the visitors to copy your working achievement and reuse it in their Web Page. That is called w

Secure Image Pro

Copy protect the images on your web site and CD using image encryption and domain lock. Secure Image Pro is recommended image protection for photographers and advertising professionals. Pro will enctrypt more than 3,000 images on a single click.

Secure Image Pro OSX

Copy protect the images on your web site or CD using image encryption and domain lock. Secure Image Pro is recommended image protection for photographers and advertising professionals. Pro will enctrypt more than 3,000 images on a single click.

Secure Information Courier

Secure Information Courier brings secure email encryption to your organization's web site. Visitors to your web site can send secure email to your organization and even convey digital documents securely using industry standard encryption.

Secure Network Chat

Secure Network Chat (SNC) - is a text chat able to solve all the problems in communication between your company staff members cardinally. SNC is especially designed to work with medium and large local area networks

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Ум достигает великого только порывами.
Л. Вовенарг


Рабинович каждое утро подходит к газетному киоску, бере
"Правду", оглядывает первую страницу и возвращает газету, не ку-
пив. Через несколько дней продавец спрашивает, что он ищет.
- некролог.
- некрологи помещают на последней странице.
- некролог, которого я жду, будет на первой!


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