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Simpliciti Locked Browser
This locked browser is ideal for use for PC's where limited or restricted internet usage is provided for users in places such as offices, kiosks, retail, libraries, banks, hospitals and clinics as well as universities and schools.
Simpliciti Server Side Browsers
This browser is ideal for use for controlling any PC browsing capabilities where limited or restricted internet usage is required. Ideal for kiosks, libraries, banks, hospitals and clinics, universities and schools. (custom workspaces available)
Sinope Summarizer PE Trial
Sinope Summarizer PE enables you to summarize the content of a webpage while browsing the internet. It uses advanced Natural Language Processing techniques to summarize the text of a webpage, while leaving the layout and graphics intact.
Site Content Analyzer
Site Content Analyzer examines HTML pages on and offline to provide you a detailed report about keywords density, their weight and relevance. With it, you can get a real time report about your current standings for any keyword/search phrase.
Site Entry Professional
Software to set up members-only access to content, products, documents, etc. Lets you keep these files in "hidden" directories not visible to the web. Ideal to safeguard access for club members, subscribers, clients and employees. CGI on your server.
Site licence- PC DoorGuard
Site licence for PC DoorGuard allows you to use PDG within your organisation on an unlimited number of computers. A very extensive and thorough intrusion scanner that scans any media on your PC for backdoors and trojan horses. PDG easily removes any
Site Map Pro
Site Map Pro quickly and effectively creates a single page HTML site map. Simply placing this file on your site allows visitors and search engines to navigate and find all the pages on your site!
Site Publisher
Site Publisher - is automatic FTP client. This program gives you an opportunity to update your web site or home page easily with single mouse click!
Site Refiner
The main purpose of Site Refiner is to automatically find all files and page links in local site and bring them to the same specified case (usually to the lowercase). Site Refiner can do it fast and correct.
Site Sleuth
Find out to which pages your visitors are going and optimise your site design and layout to attract your target market. Market and manage your website more efficiently and effectively.
Бог - ради человеков, чтобы их просветить, дабы поняли сами, что они - это скот и только. Соломон
Шел мужик в город. Вдруг из-под моста выбежал бандит с пистолетом и отобрал у него деньги. -- Послушай,-- говорит мужик бандиту.-- Ты свое дело сделал. Но пожалей меня. Прострели мне пиджак, чтобы жена поверила, что меня ограбили, а то подумает, что пропил. Знаешь, какие жены! Тот прострелил. -- Теперь еще сюда пальни разок,-- подставляет мужик ру- кав пиджака. -- Чего ж, можно и сюда. -- Теперь сюда,-- подставляет мужик шапку. -- Не могу, патроны кончились. -- Тогда пойдем в милицию,-- и мужик схватил грабителя за воротник.