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ShyFile - File and Email Security
Create self-decrypting files carrying your encoded text to be attached to an email. Use your browser to decode. 1on1 symmetric keys are employed for your email and HTML encryption, as well as for the binary file encryption. Includes a File Shredder.
SI Show.kit
Show.kit is a treat for everybody who needs to create a website in lightning speed, embodying the most progressive approach to quick creation of Flash websites, HTML websites and Flash presentations.
Easily create your own Custom Email Signatures. Easy to use program lets you enter 4 lines including click-able email address and web site URL. Choose fonts, font color and animated or static graphic.
SigSimple is easy to use, easy to implement, Outlook Express signature tag maintenance program! This is try-before-you-buy software, you will have a 10 day trial period to use the software before you are required to purchase it.
Silver Calculator
Silver Calculator Computes Silver, Sterling and Platinum to market price in Kilos, Oz, Dwt, grams and grains. Saves all calculations to file and will print. A Must For All Jewelry Professionals, Consumers, Pawnbrokers, Jewelers, Refineries, Investers
Image processing and analysis platform combining features of spreadsheet, imaging software and digital photo album. SIMAGIS tables can contain images, vector graphics, Web-pages, XSL-FO documents and other objects. Product is compatible with major im
SimLD Lite
This locked browser is ideal for use for common access PC's where limited or restricted internet usage is provided for users in places such as retail, libraries, banks, hospitals and clinics as well as universities and schools.
Simple System Tray IMAP Client
This program includes a few interesting and useful technologies i.e.
- A Simple System Tray IMAP Mail Client (not available so far)
- System Tray Implementation in Visual C#.Net
Simpledit is a customizable text editor with a multiple document interface, a taskbar, and many great features.
SimpleFind is a free program that allows you to search information on the Internet using top search engines. You can search Web pages, e-mail address, news, MP3, encyclopedia, shareware, or computer/technology.