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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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Spam Filter for Outlook

Spam Filter utilizes the latest technology which learns from spammers messages and continually adjusts itself to protect your mailbox. Using proactive rather than reactive methods for eliminating spams, it can block over 99% of spam.(SFSBCB)

Spam Ghost for cPanel

Spam Ghost works directly with your cPanel account to create and delete forwarding accounts on the fly, with just a single mouse click directly from your desktop.

Spam Guard

Spam Guard is an Outlook add-in that filters e-mail that arrives in your inbox. If the sender of any message cannot be identified then the message is moved into a spam quarantine folder.

Spam Monitor

Spam Monitor is an easy-to-use spam filter that detects and isolates unsolicited junk mail sent to your mailbox. Designed for people that aren't computer experts, Spam Monitor's powerful wizard configures your PC with the safest anti-spam options.

Spam Nullifier - Anti Spam Mail Filter

Eliminate Junk E-Mail Spam, Viruses, Tojans & Spyware. Works with POP3 & IMAP. Spam Nullifier is a powerful e-mail checker programs with effective spam elimination. This FREE Anti Spam Filter stops unwanted viruses, trojans & spam e-mails.

Spam Nullifier Pro - Anti Spam Mail Filter

Eliminate Junk E-Mail Spam, Viruses, Tojans & Spyware. Works with POP3, IMAP, HTTP. Spam Nullifier is a powerful e-mail checker programs with effective spam elimination. This FREE Anti Spam Filter stops unwanted viruses, trojans & spam e-mails.

Spam OFF

Spam OFF is one of the most effective anti-spam software available. It works ?right out of the box?, yet is highly customizable. Spam OFF is compatible with any POP3 client, including Outlook Express, MS Outlook, IncrediMail, Poco Mail, Eudora

Spam OFF site license

Spam OFF is a powerful anti-spam solution package that takes away the hassle of removing spam messages and viruses from your e-mail box. Spam OFF combines several sophisticated mechanisms and unobtrusive automatic daily update to track spam and mark

Spam Trapper for Outlook

Spam Trapper is a multilevel spam filter for Microsoft Outlook version 2000 and later. It is a plug-in component with clear convenient interface.

Spam Vaccine

Spam Vaccine stops spam by 'vaccinating' email addresses that appear on Web pages. This prevents programs called 'spambots' from stealing your email address and sending you spam. Fast, thorough and compatible with non-javascript browsers.

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Б. Грасиан


Пьяный сел в автобусе возле старушки.
-- Вы знаете,-- сказала пассажирка,-- ведь вы прямо в ад
попадете, молодой человек.
Пьяный вскочил и крикнул водителю:
-- Остановитесь и выпустите меня, я сел не в тот автобус.


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