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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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SpamGunner is a powerful Anti-Spam Product for Consumers and Small Businesses. It can check multiple accounts synchronously, kill email viruses quickly, provide a variety of filters with wildcards, and support multi-byte charcacter preview.


SpamJudge is the anti-spam program, which is very simple in using. If you use POP3 mail client and you're bothered of a lot of spam, then SpamJudge - it's what you need. It automatically will define all mail you get is it a spam or not.


SpamMonitor works in conjunction with file based mail servers, like Mdaemon, MailCoach, Winroute, etc. It will monitor for new files with a certain extension and passes all new messages to the spam filter, SpamAssassin.


Easy to integrate with your favorite e-mail client, SpamRemover will save you the time and nerves of dealing with spam, leaving you with a clean and uncluttered inbox


A powerful automatic SPAM Reporting tool that lets you help the ISPs shut Spam down at the source by identifying the source of the Spam. Much more effective for fighting Spam than simply filtering it.


SpamSeparator is a tool for creating spam filters to sort your emails on the server. You do not need to download each spam message or virus. The entire job is done on the server. You receive a report on all delivered and undelivered (spam) messages.


SpamSource is an addin for Microsoft Outlook 2000/XP/2003. SpamSource helps collect information from messages for use in reporting unsolicited junk email.


Stop spam and junk e-mail with SpamWasher. This unique and intuitive product allows you to block spam from entering your inbox, while allowing e-mail from trusted senders to pass immediately! Now with Hotmail and MSN support!

SpamWeed Anti-Spam Filter

A powerful & easy-to-use spam filter that blocks over 95% spam instantly for Outlook, OE & other email clients. Spam are placed in a quarantine area & can be retrieved or deleted. SpamWeed learns from mistakes & its detection rate improves with use.

Speaking Email Deluxe

Speaking Email Deluxe uses Microsoft Agent characters to read your email messages. Primarily an email notification utility, it also reads header and message content and allows you to send speaking (or non-speaking) email messages and attachments

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Признаваясь в мелких недостатках, мы тем самым стараемся убедить окружающих в том, что у нас нет крупных.
Ф. Ларошфуко


-- Моя жена так обрадовалась, когда узнала, что водка опять
сильно подорожает.
-- Ну, ее можно понять!
-- Ха, она думает, что я теперь буду меньше пить. Дудки! Это
она будет меньше есть.


Лучше быть менеджером с внешностью фотомодели, чем фотомоделью с внешностью менеджера....

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