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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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WebLog Expert

WebLog Expert is a feature rich web server log analyzer. It will give you information about your site's visitors: activity statistics, file access statistics, paths through site, referring pages, search engines, browsers, operating systems, and more.

WebLog Manager Pro

WebLog Manager Pro lets you create your own custom web visitor tracking system. Track standard log information, referrering sites, browser type etc. Includes an E-Commerce Tracker identifies referring sites for purchasers. Track visitors by us

WebMaster FTP

FTP program designed for webmasters whose sites are on UNIX-like hosts. It has some unique features like automatic setting of the correct file permissions, Explorer-style left folder tree, UNIX special file support and more.


Without programming, produce with WebMixer web interactives multimedia presentations or animations. Assemble pictures, videos, sounds, texts, animations by filling in a grid. When diffusing, WebMixer compress and upload the project to your web site.


Webmizzle is a simple tool for monitoring current weather conditions worldwide. It uses data that are available to the public (you can see the same images on countless www pages with any web browser).


HTML Compiler that packages HTML pages, linked images, sounds, video and fonts in a single, stand-alone, encrypted file. Ebooks can be compiled with some pages freely viewable and some restricted. Can make installations.

webPage HTML

AiMCo webPage is a practical solution for many web page authors. A WYSIWYG word processor with the ability to edit and maintain individual HTML elements. Syntax colouring for HTML, CSS and script source code. Also debugging support for scripts


The main purpose is to create a snapshot of a web page with URL. You can set image dimensions and save the image in BMP, Jpeg, GIF and PNG image formats.

WebPartner Test and Performance Center

Performs scheduled Stress and Load Testing by executing multiple HTTP/HTTPS/XML/SOAP web transactions simulating your customer's actions. Critical performance data is captured and results are graphically reported via online display or email.


webPeddle is an amazing little storefront kit with some very big capabilities. Like a buy button on steroids, it's a storefront that's quick to set up, easy to maintain, and lets you create your own product list using a built-in database structur

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Как бы плохо мужчины ни думали о женщинах, любая женщина думает о них еще хуже.
Н. Шамфор


Пан спрашивает мужика, приехавшего с ярмарки:
-- Где был, Иван?
-- Да где же, в Киеве!
-- И что же ты там видел?
-- Да все видал...
-- А почем же там дураки продаются? -- спрашивает пан,
чтобы посмеяться над мужиком.
А Иван ему:
-- А это смотря какой дурак. Дурного мужика могут отдать
за полцены -- понятное дело, мужик, темнота! А вот за глупого
пана такую цену заламывают, что ого-го!


Если никакого смысла нет в вопросе не стоит искать его в ответе

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