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PopUp Burner

PopUp burner will help you stop annoying pop-up windows which do suddenly appear while you're surfing the internet. it stops Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator PopUps.

PopUp Destroyer Pro

Are you tired of all the popup windows that every minute will open on your desktop while you surf?! Well, now there is a solution! PopUp Destroyer will close automatically all these windows!

Simpliciti Family Browser

Simpliciti browser provides security and safety for your children using the internet. It includes popup control, child lockdown to only the sites you allow as well as being able to set usage time limits. Also includes features for the entire family.

popup eater

Popup Eater – Eliminates those annoying pop-up windows that appear on your screen when you are surfing the Web. Popup Eater works directly within Internet Explorer, stopping all unsolicited pop up ads before they’ve had a chance to waste your time.

Popup Eliminator

Stop Popups dead in their tracks.

Popup Killer

PopUp Killer is a small program which can be configured to automatically close previously selected Windows... cool uh?

PopUp Maker

PopMaker takes the drudgery out of reliably making popup window code. It also opens and tests the window, live, so you can see the results as you work. Easy to automatically create solid, flexible, cross-browser popup window code.

Popup Nuker

Popup Nuker is integrated into your Microsoft Internet Explorer browser, so it automatically starts when you start up Internet Explorer.


SNetSim is a event-driven simulation software running on Windows based operating systems. It's being developed in Naval Science and Engineering Institute (Istanbul , Turkey)

Popup Purger

Popup Purger is an intelligent popup blocker for Internet Explorer that can block annoying popup/under ads before they even open.

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Цель оправдывает средства.
Н. Макиавелли


- не за то я тебя люблю, что у тебя "волга" - сами н
пешком ходим; не за то, что ты умел брать и дом построил - у
самих крыша над головой; не за то, что ты жидов не любишь - кто
их любит? А за то, что ты наш простой советский человек!


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