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Popup Purger Pro
Popup Purger Pro is an intelligent popup blocker for Internet Explorer that can block annoying popup/under ads before they even open. It features a SmartBlock Engine, that blocks unsolicited popup ads but never interferes with your normal navigation
Popup Silencer
Popup Silencer is a utility to make your Internet browsing faster by removing ALL popups and popunders.
Popup Silencer is a utility to make your Web browsing more enjoyable by eliminating the distracting popups.
Popup Silencer II
Popup Silencer II is a software to make your Internet browsing faster by blocking popups and popunders.
Popup Silencer II is a utility to make your Web browsing more enjoyable by eliminating the distracting popups.
PopUpCop by EdenSoft
Award-winning PopUpCop blocks popups and a variety of other annoyances that, unchecked, degrade the quality of your web experience. This add-on for Internet Explorer version 5 and higher will make your Web browsing experience more tranquil.
PopupDummy! popup killer provides real-time protection from popups, adware, spyware, harmful web browser plug-ins, harmful activex installers, drive-by downloads, and web browser hijackers.
Popups Nuker
Popups Nuker - Pop up Killer & Stopper & Ads Filter intelligently blocks annoying aspects of browsing the net (ads, Pop ups advertising, slow surfing speeds, spying cookies). Works with all Web Browsers (AOL, Netscape, Internet Explorer, Opera)
PopupWar PRO
If you didn't click it you don't want it. Call it smart, call it what you want. We just call it effective. No more popup windows ever. The best companion to file sharing programs like kazaa, grokster, morpheus, etc
Porno Crawler
Don't ever search the web for porn. Porno Crawler does that in your place. It's a crawler robot able to search, recognize and download porn files from free sites. Its speed is really amazing.
You don't believe it's possible ? So try it, you will see
Porno Links XP
Porno Links XP is a revolutionary software product to anonymously download thousands of adult pics and movies from free, adult-content, thumbnail picture and movie galleries.
Когда исчезнет то, что зло сейчас, немедленно наступит то, что зло завтра. Ф. Искандер
-- Терпеть не могу кокосовые орехи. -- Ну, что ты! Это же так вкусно! -- Ага... Когда их ел впервые, они мне тоже понравились. А когда купил, все жалел, откладывал на потом... Затем стал их колоть, пальцы побил и порезал, а вся середина к тому времени высохла...
Ничто так не увеличивает квалификацию водителя, как едущая за ним милицейская машина