
Windows Defender
With a few simple clicks you can customize Windows Defender to protect your files and personal settings. Each time a program, website or user attempts to change your windows settings "Windows Defender" will ask for your permission before it continues
Windows Desktop Randomizer
The Windows Desktop Randomizer will transform your desktop wallpaper and screen saver of your Windows PC into a personal slideshow of your family and friends, your wedding and travels, or any other digital images you may have on your PC.
Windows Hider Pro
Windows Hider will allow you to hide specified groups of windows just by pressing a single Hotkey (or a combination of Hotkeys). Most of the time, program works in the hidden mode, not making anyone know that it is there.
Windows Lister .NET
Windows Lister is a program that will list all windows that are currently running on your computer. Almost anything that constitute what you see (or cannot see) in a Windows application is a window. For example, a button, a label, a statusbar, a te
Windows midi/wav MCI Player
This is a Windows MCI Player for listening to .midi or .wav files. The application was built for windows using ActiveX controls. For more information, please visit http://activex.moonvalley.com
Windows Mp3 Player
Full-featured Mp3 player with the ability to play, pause, stop, and seek forward/backward arbitrarily. Also featured is the ability to control the system volume. For mor information, visit http://activex.moonvalley.com.
Windows Playlist Viewer/Generator
This is a full-fledged Windows application for viewing and creating playlists. The application was built for Windows using ActiveX controls. For more information, please visit http://activex.moonvalley.com
Windows Secret Explorer
This system inspection tool is designed to browse hidden data stored in undocumented MS Windows Protected Storage. Find IE auto-fill data, passwords to protected web sites, account and identity passwords, dial-up passwords, and much more.
Windows Security Officer
Windows Security Officer enables you to protect and totally control access to your personal computer. It offers administrative support for controlling which users are allowed to access your computer and the level of access each user may have.
Windows Sniper
Windows Sniper is a handy system tray-based tool that lets you manipulate any window on your screen. Use it to magically click, hide, close or minimize buttons or windows when they appear. Windows Sniper gives you back total control of your computer.
Если у общества появляется техническая потребность, то она продвигает науку вперед больше, чем десяток университетов. Ф. Энгельс
Муж: -- Теперь, когда мы женаты, я могу указать на некоторые твои недостатки... Жена: . -- Не утруждай себя, дорогой, я их сама знаю. Это те недо- статки, из-за которых мне не достался муж лучше, чем ты...
Хотелось бы верить,что будет хотеться дальше.