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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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AlarIT Virtual USB Driver

There is a number of the equipment controlled through a serial port from a PC or a terminal.


ALink takes the hard work out of setting up and maintaining your Reciprocal Links. Automatically sending requests for new links, checking for links that have been added, removing bad links and generating your Reciprocal Links Page automatically.


Ameta combines META TAG reading and writing functionality with powerful manipulation features. Adjust your Meta Tags quickly and easily, saving the results directly back to your HTML pages.

Amirus Mirror Memory

A Reflective Memory software solution. using standard COTS network components and the processors own internal hardware exception mechanism. The highly-optimized. fault-tolerant design delivers high throughput and millisecond latency on PC systems.


AMRandom is a Delphi translation of Alan Miller's Random Module for FORTRAN. Supplies several different distributions of random numbers including Normal, Poisson, Gamma, etc. Includes Full Delphi Source and Demo


Powerful, easy- to-use and full-featured POP3 component enables your ASP/VB or other COM environment applications to retrieve email from mail server based on POP3 protocol and parse email based on MIME. It supports IPv6.


Powerful, easy- to-use and full-featured SMTP email component enables your ASP, VB, VBA, VC++, C#, VB.NET, JScript.NET, ASP.NET or other COM environment applications to send rich TEXT/HTML email based on SMTP/ESMTP protocol. Support IPv6.

Antechinus C# Programming Editor

Seamlessly integrated with Microsoft's Beta 2 version of .NET, Antechinus allow you to design, compile and run C# applications from the integrated environment. You can generate and maintain console and Windows programs, libraries and add-on modules.

Anti Piracy Tools 2004 Professional

This unique client-server based software protection system allows for live license management and illegal software copies disabling. Using it with network applications ensures rock-solid protection at an affordable price. Download FREE trial now!


Platform for e-commerce and web-development, providing implementation of component oriented technologies and three-level architecture (interface, business, data), with ready to use modules and components.

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Истинное воспитание состоит не столько в правилах, сколько в упражнениях.
Ж.-Ж. Руссо


-- Доктор, хотелось бы дожить до ста лет.
-- Да это же очень просто: не употребляйте алкоголь, отка-
житесь от курения, не объедайтесь!
-- И вы уверены, что тогда я доживу до ста лет?
-- Этого я не знаю, но уверен, что жизнь будет казаться вам
очень долгой...


Дело в том, что с 13,5 (а сейчас мне уже 15) меня тянет к паpням. Hо не ко всем, а к некотоpым: иностpанцам и кавказской национальности. Я ноpмальная?

Календарь на 2020 год Календарь на 2021 год Delphi components, Delphi database, BDE Alternative bde administrator, bde download delphi .net zip library, .net zip component .NET compress, .NET encrypt цигун москва даосизм Цигун Растяжка Медитация

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