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AppGini Free Trial Version
AppGini generates PHP database applications for MySQL. Create tables, View, add, edit, delete, sort and filter records. Advanced foreign key support. Supports CSS for customizing scripts appearance. Download free trial version now!
ASP Documentation Tool
The ASP Documentation Tool creates project documentation for ASP 2.0 and 3.0 web applications written in VBScript and JScript, and their associated Access and SQL Server 2000 databases.
ASP huge file upload
Easy to use, hi-performance ASP file upload component with progress bar indicator. Let's you upload multiple files with size up to 2GB to a disk or database along with another form fields. Works with large posts, any character set, including unicode
ASP MDB/DBF database converter
ASP recordset converter is a library for converting DAO or ADO recordsets to MDB or DBF files. It enables direct binary database export of MDB or DBF files from ASP pages with one row of code. The object also supports on-the-fly compression by zip
ASP XML Parser Component
A super-fast, low-memory usage, XML parser specifically designed to be used server-side in ASP scripts. This DOM based parser is many times faster than MSXML, and consumes far less memory. Great for handling large XML data files.
ASP/VBA/COM ActiveX Dictionary object
Free-threaded hi-speed dictionary algorithm with unique/nonunique keys (map/multimap). Connect to another dictionary object in the same process. Lock and Unlock methods to synchronize tasks (application scope). Share ASP Application/Session objects
ASP2VB converter
A simple program that converts any ASP code into VB code. May be helpful when converting ASP/HTML into VB components and many other cases. Understands function and subs. Doesn't understand includes.
Produce compiled HTML Help describing the use of anchors, forms, session and application variables, input query strings, redirections and cookies. ASPHelp processes scripts independent of the paths of execution allowing all paths to be included.
Atomic WebPage Size Calculator
Atomic WebPage Size Calculator is a Webpage size and download speed calculator. Use it to ensure that visitors to your website are not waiting too long to download your pages.
An Autocomplete TextBox like the ones you find in the latest browsers. Automatically builds a list of entries, saves and retrieves the list without the developer having to right any code or setting any property at all. Just drop it in your applicatio
Сладострастие - занятие людей, ничем другим не занятых. Диоген
Бедный еврей просит воспомоществования у местечково- го богача. -- Ни копейки не дам,-- говорит богач,-- у меня и без того на содержании три сестры. -- Но ведь все говорят, что вы не даете им ни гроша?! -- Ну, видите, родным сестрам не даю, а вы хотите, чтобы я дал вам?
Делу - время, потехе - деньги