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TSOfficePool - March Insanity
2004 NCAA basketball office pool manager. The right tool to manage your office pool thats easy to use and configure. The "Easy Pool Setup" feature makes it easy to setup your pool.
ViaDVD Movies and Photos Too
Create professional looking DVD with music Data Pictures Video. ViaDVD Movies and Photos Too is the product that brings it all together for you, now, immediately, on your PC, in your home or in your office, in a way you can exploit within minutes.
Verbot 4 Player
A Verbot (Verbally Enhanced Software Robot) can be your personal assistant, your teacher, and friend. Created by Conversive, the Verbot is based on more than 10 years of AI experience and development.
Type TV Show
See the 16 Personality Types (Carl Jung, MBTI). Understand yourself and others better. Flow with your natural gifts, and make friends with your other side. Be a better parent. Discover your best career path. See the secret of personality differences.
UFO Watcher
This is the perfect computer program for UFO Watchers. This program lets you record detailed information about each sighting, such as: DATE OF SIGHTING, TIME, SIGHTING DETAILED LOCATION, DETAILS OF THE SIGHTING, NAMES, EMAILS, NOTES, COMMENTS.
Ultimate CoffeEbook
Coffee is an E-book all about the world wide stimulant. The topics range from history to recipes for cakes, pies and mousses. The book is nicely illustrated with drawings and photographs. No problem staying awake reading this subject.
Ultimate Date Calculator
Professional date calculator for commercial use. The tools include - interval between dates; add days; perpetual calendar; chronologies; recurring dates e.g. pay and loan days; plans & schedules; pro-rata accounts and other functions. Saves to file.
UTS Blood Pressure for Palm OS
Track blood pressure & pulse with Palm OS PDA handheld.
Unique reading entry interface without typing. Conduit for export to Excel and CSV. Interactive charts and histograms. This generates reports for your physician.
UTS Diabetes for Palm OS
Track your blood glucose, insulin, carbs and medication intakes with your Palm OS PDA. Unique reading entry interface without typing. Conduit for export to Excel and CSV. Interactive charts and histograms. It generates reports for your physician.
UTS Weight for Palm OS
Track your weight & calculate BMI with Palm OS PDA handheld.
Unique reading entry interface without typing. Colored records. Various weight loss/gain programs. Conduit for export to Excel and CSV. Interactive charts and histograms.
Нельзя стать узким специалистом, не став, в строгом смысле, болваном. Б. Шоу
Спорили философы о дураках и умных. Подводя итоги дис- куссии, старейшина среди философов сказал: -- Умный человек всегда найдет общий язык с другим ум- ным человеком, а дурак никогда не согласится ни с умным, ни с дураком. Схематично их можно изобразить линиями: все прямые между собой совмещаются, а кривые не совмещаются ни с прямы- ми, ни между собой.
Скажи мне кто такой Бил Гейтс и я скажу кто ты.