Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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Registry Replacer

Search and Replace items in your registry. Automatically open up your registry at a search result. Backup and Restore registry hives. The evaluation version of Registry Replacer has no limitations. Registration costs $15.

Renex III

You must line up 5 balls of the same color either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally so that they will disappear, because when the board is filled with balls the game ends.

Room Plan Operator

The RP Operator does exactly what it is said - it helps you to plan your room, and decides how to arrange all of your things to make best use of the space you've got.

RSP Tar Gzip OCX

ActiveX OCX to list , test , and extract tar , tar-gzip and tar-bzip2 files , ability to pause , resume and cancel the execution , the code is optimized for new AMD and Intel processors , the decompression engine is loaded dynamically in the process

RSS Captor

RSS Captor is an easy-to-use RSS client that allows you to receive and manage news feeds in a searchable database. The program keeps all messages of subscribed feeds in a database, so you can perform searches for all current and past messages.


Rt-Plot is a tool to generate Cartesian X/Y-plots from scientific data. You can enter and calculate tabular data. View the changing graphs, including linear and non linear regression, interpolation, differentiation and integration, during entering.


In today's world we sit without moving long hours in front of the computer. A ten minute break every hour can reduce repetitive-stress injuries due to computer usage. This Free utility which rests in the system tray reminds us when to take a break!

SCP Cool Notes

Cool Notes is a program that anyone can use. Cool Notes sits conveniently in your system tray if you minimize it.You can store any text based information that you would like and even add pictures and export to PDF format.

Seractal Fractal Screensaver

Seractal ScreenSaver uses the beauty of fractals to create a wide variety of full-screen images, with virtually unlimited variety in its colors and designs.


Download free pictures from the Internet. PictureCatcher allows you to select the type of pictures by channel and will automatically download, catalog, thumbnail and display the pictures for your viewing pleasure.

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Благодаря истинному знанию ты будешь гораздо смелее и совершеннее в каждой работе, нежели без него.
А. Дюрер


-- Как себя чувствует твой муженек после лечения? -- спра-
шивает одна женщина подругу.
-- Прекрасно! Он все дни пропадает у городского фонтана.
-- Что он там делает?
-- Ловит рыбу.
-- А тебе не кажется, что его не долечили?
-- Возможно, ты права. Но мне так хочется ушицы.


Убожественный Фильм.

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