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Spyware Inoculator
Inoculate your PC to Prevent Spyware from ever being installed. While there are a few good Spyware removers wouldn't it be better to prevent Spyware from ever being installed in the first place?
SpywareStopper Prevents all Known spyware from loading or running on your computer. With realtime cookie management complete with logs and alerts you'll never have another spyware or tracking cookie stored on your computer ever again.
SQLBoss Developer
SQLBoss Monitor and SQLBoss Developer - The ultimate Database & Content Management System for many SQL databases like mySQL, PostgreSQL, FrontBase, OpenBase, ODBC and many more. Included beta drivers: Valentina, dtfSQL and 4D. Planned drivers: Microsoft SQL Server, mSQL Primebase
SQLBoss Developer (Mac OS Classic)
SQLBoss Monitor and SQLBoss Developer - The ultimate Database & Content Management Tool for many SQL databases like mySQL, PostgreSQL, FrontBase, OpenBase, ODBC and many more. Included beta drivers: Valentina, dtfSQL and 4D.
SQLBoss Developer (Mac OS X)
SQLBoss Monitor and SQLBoss Developer - The ultimate Database & Content Management Tool for many SQL databases like mySQL, PostgreSQL, FrontBase, OpenBase, ODBC and many more. Included beta drivers: Valentina, dtfSQL and 4D.
SQLBoss Developer (Windows)
SQLBoss Monitor and SQLBoss Developer - The ultimate Database & Content Management Tool for many SQL databases like mySQL, PostgreSQL, FrontBase, OpenBase, ODBC and many more. Included beta drivers: Valentina, dtfSQL and 4D.
SSH client for windows SSHPro
SSHPro - ssh client for windows (Secure Shell) for logging into and executing commands on a remote host (with installed SSH server). Replaces telnet, rlogin and rsh, while providing secure communication between hosts over insecure network.
Use StampManage to organize and value your USA and Canadian stamp collection. Features include a huge pre-defined database complete with images, and indexed by the SCOTT (tm) numbering system. Easily attach images to your records and print out rep
Starfish Family Mail
Starfish Family Mail is an email program that lets you communicate via email with all your friends and family! Parents or teachers can set up friend lists for each person so that you can rest assured that they are only communicating with friends!
Starmsg.com is a freeware that allows you to send text sms messages from your PC to mobile phones all over the world. You can set the delivery time for text messages, send Flash SMS or anonymous text messages. Universal charges apply.
Я не научился любить свою родину с закрытыми глазами, с преклоненной головой, с запертыми устами... Я полагаю, что мы пришли после других для того, чтобы делать лучше их, чтобы не впадать в их ошибки, в их заблуждения и суеверия. П.Я. Чаадаев
Одна голливудская звезда говорит другой: -- Кажется, мы с вами знакомы. Вы супруга Рея Роджерса? -- Нет, вы ошиблись на трех моих последующих мужей.
Что я делаю когда испытываю искушение? Стараюсь испытать его подольше. Пруст