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Canary Standard
Discover how this monitoring program will help you monitor what your child does when using the home computer and when accessing the Internet . A FREE report is included with each order - this report includes more than 30 vital parenting principles.
MyLife is an elegant 'Personal Assistant' Time Manager that provides a quick and easy way to organize your personal and/or work schedule. Enter your appointments, meetings, special events, and so on, and MyLife will keep your life on track!
MyPhone Book Dialer
Store your personal or business contacts. Dial phone, send an email or go to a web site with a simple click of a button.
CoolTick - Stock Ticker
CoolTick is an simple, small, intuitive, scrolling stock ticker. It's loaded with customizable options including your own list of as many stocks as you want to watch.
Homeopathic tool with Kent's Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica (abbr: 10,000+ rubrics in 36 chapters), Boericke's Materia Medica (abbr: 100 remedies with cross-references), Hahnemann's Organon of Medicine (complete 6th edition).
IngenMoney Pro
Drive your home budget with IngenMoney and gain 100% control. Every essential aspects of home budgeting have been wrapped into one personal financial tool that simply delivers; IngenMoney Pro V3.0, the solution you've been waiting for!
AirPower PalmOS
Photos, interesting history info, description, performance data and specifications on many famous U.S. Air Force fighters, bombers, attack aircraft, service aircraft such as transports and AWACS, as well as Daisy Cutter and Bunker Buster bombs...
Cresotech PocketPoint
CRESOTECH POCKETPOINT is an easy PDA based multimedia tool to create photo presentations or review photo albums simply and quickly. No special skills required, and your photo gallery will be always at your disposal in your pocket!
Coding Workshop Ringtone Converter
Add new ringtones and images to your mobile / cell phone. Works with most makes and models of phone including Nokia, Mototola, Samsung, Siemens, Ericsson, LG, Philips, Panasonic, Sagem, and many more. Free trial version available. No cables required!
У кого есть друзья, у того нет друга. Аристотель
-- Вы слышали, что случилось с Джабой, когда ему велели убрать листву в саду? -- Нет, а что? Неужели наступил на грабли? -- Он свалился с дерева.
Тpебуются вpеменно замужние девушки.