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12Ghosts Notepad
Editor with unlimited text size, font formatting, and easy-to-use editing hotkeys. 12-Notepad has interesting automation for saving (every 1/2 second), copying (on selection), scrolling (move mouse to top or button), and closing (on focus lost).
Now You See It
You've got LOTS of graphics--on hard disk and CDs. But how do you find the one you want? And what'll you do with it once you do? Now You See It has the answers.
Internet Download Manager
Accelerate downloads by up to 500 percent with this Windows Internet download accelerator. Schedule and resume broken downloads. It features download logic accelerator with dynamic file segmentation to increase ftp, http and https downloading speed.
! TreePad X Enterprise (8 Gb, single-user)
Next-generation 12 Gigabyte Organizer, opens 8 databases simultaneously. Includes: Word Processor, spellcheck tables search/replace, skinning, drag-drop import/export, hyperlinks, auto-save, images, attachments recycler favorites history etc.
AttributeMagic Free!
AttributeMagic Free! - utility to view and change file attributes: creation date, last access date and modify date.
JustUrls is a Web Page or URL launching program. The program is designed to get you to your favorite URL's easily and quickly without any fuss. JustUrls launches your default browser and automatically inserts the URL.
EditPad Pro BR
EditPad Pro is a powerful yet easy to use syntax coloring text and hexadecimal editor. It has a convenient tabbed interface, with many powerful features that will make your task of editing text files (source code, HTML, whatever) easy.
Cool Flash Player
Cool Flash Player is a flash player.Enjoy or collect flash and manage flash movie files more conveniently. Collect flash from internet,convert flash file to flash screensaver,capture picture as flash wallpaper,search flash from IE cache etc.
Evolution Interface
New User Interface (GUI) for the Windows OS w/unlimited desktops, integrated MP3 music management, awesome screensaver, sticky notes and much more. Evolution clears desktop clutter, saves thousands of clicks, and truly simplifies and personalizes.
KGB Free Key Logger
Free KGB Key Logger is a free keyboard tracking software (a.k.a. key logger) that is widely used by both regular users and IT security specialists to record keystrokes.