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» Utilities
Atomic Clock Service
PC atomic clock synchronizer with some useful features (time offset, synchronize periods, etc.). This program uses the list of 19 presetting atomic time servers.
InstantRecovery Professional Edition
Easily and quickly perform an image backup of a hard drive or partition directly to CD-R/RW, hard disk, tape, USB hard drive, FireWire drives and more! Supports all Intel-compatible operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Unix, DOS, OS2 and more!
Fomine NetSend
Fomine NetSend is a package that contains two utility tools for sending messages via SMB protocol. This first tool NetSend.exe is a console application. The second utility tool NetSendGUI.exe has a simple and user-friendly visual interface.
EF System Monitor
EF System Monitor is a Windows 9x/ME/NT4/2K/XP program that shows you comprehensive information about your local or remote (over TCP/IP) system resources and performances.
Shareware, FREE Updates.
AceBackup is a valuable tool for easily creating secure backups of your data. Secure your data locally or on ftp servers. Generate time-controlled backups and manage your data using a simple, clean interface.
Chaotic Chance Screensaver Manager
Chaotic Chance Screensaver allows you to manage the screensavers that are currently installed on your system. Using this program you can choose your favorite screensavers and make them follow the desired order or run randomly.
Bloch Wallpaper Changer
Schedule when your desktop wallpaper changes with a user defined time interval. You can choose jpg files when you are using microsoft active desktop and make your desktop icons transparent in Windows versions below XP.
32bit Convert It
32bit Convert It will Convert any unit of measurement to another unit of measurement. Length, Area, Volume, Mass, Density, and Speed.
Paradigm Lingua
Award-winning word processor and translator for English, Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba, Efik, Kalabari, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swahili and a custom (user defined) language. Single-User and other Licensing Options are available.
Кто не со Мною, тот против Меня; и кто не собирает со Мною, тот расточает. Матфея, 12:30
Одесса. Приморский бульвар. Одессит очень хочет заго- ворить с соседом по лавочке. Наконец находит тему: -- А какой пляж вам больше нравится: Аркадия или Лузановка? -- Лузановка! -- И мне тоже... А вам за что? -- Да я на Аркадии никогда не был. -- О! Сразу видно -- одессит! Молодец! -- Да нет, я командировочный.
В детстве вы начинаете ходить на четырех конечностях, потом на двух, а дальше у кого как получится.