Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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Die Klempner 2002

Outlook Profiler

Create Outlook Exchange profiles automatically for Outlook 97 through 2003

Date Wizard

DateWizard is a small reminder type program for all those meetings, birthdays etc. which you often forget. A Shortcut can be placed in your StartUp folder so that it starts every time the computer boots up.

Mouse and Key Recorder

The Mouse and Key Recorder allows to record any keyboard strokes and mouse clicks and to store them as macros. The macros can easily be edited. Additional more than 100 commands allow to customize the macros to your needs.

4D Keeper

4D Keeper automatically synchronizes PC clock with exact-time servers (including NIST time servers). Two automatic modes allow periodical adjustment of clock, and running the program when Windows starts. It is possible to edit interface color schemes

Mihov DiskFree

Mihov DiskFree is a program that shows free disk space in megabytes. It updates the information every second, so it is very useful with programs which consume very much disk space very fast (sound capture and video capture).

12Ghosts DeskTOP

Did you ever have the problem of an active program blocking the way to the desktop? Or one that you were unable to minimize? 12-DeskTOP provides you with a window that looks like the desktop, displaying your icons in the layout you are used to.

Password Spectator Pro

When you enter your password on most sites, you see only asterisk signs. This feature is intended to protect your passwords; but sometimes this feature becomes more of a pain, rather than help. See the password behid the asterisks with this software.

Acronis Disk Director Suite

Acronis Disk Director Suite is the only disk partitioning software that allows you to automatically or manually resize, copy and move partitions without losing data. It also lets you reorganize the hard drive structure and optimize disk space usage.

Outlook Express Backup Genie

Outlook Express Backup Genie is a backup and synchronization tool for your email database ( messages, address book, contacts, accounts, etc ). Works with top 9 Email Clients: Outlook Express Backup, Microsoft Outlook, Eudora, IncrediMail.

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Мало иметь хороший ум, главное - хорошо его применять.
Р. Декарт


Пани Новотная говорит мужу:
-- Сегодня я развеяла миф о мужском превосходстве. Я сама
заменила прокладку в кране и при этом не выпила шесть бутылок
пива, никого не ругала и не бегала три раза в магазин сантехники.


Hапиваться в одиночку - лучший способ пpиблизить собственную кончину.

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