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» Utilities
Simply, safely and securely erase the secrets your computer is keeping about you. PCWash
erases/deletes index.dat, internet history, cookies, and more. Easy to use and customize to clean only what you want. Automatic scheduler included.
You can't simply open PDF files in Word and edit them... Wrong! PDF 2 HTML can open PDF files. It recognizes the texts, the layout and many graphics. Then you can save this as HTML, RTF or TXT file. You can open these files in Word or Frontpage etc.
PDF 2 Word
With PDF 2 Word you can open a pdf file and save the content of the document as word file. The program uses the text objects of word and so the layout, that means the position of the the text, the pictures and vector graphics can be maintained.
PDF Builder
Utility to automatically create PDF files from different file types including DOC,XLS,DWG,MDB,JPG,GIF,BMP,TIF,RPT,PPT, and many more. Effortlessly combine the files into a single PDF file.
PDF Editor
Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spell errors) or delete words completely. Now you canalso add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! 11 new tools in the new version!
PDF Plain Text Extractor
PDF plain text extractor(P2T) extract plain text from pdf file without any help of PDF SDK, it deals with the raw file directly and focus on text extracting. P2T supports Chinese/Korean/Japanese/All European languages well.
PDF Server Script
Do you need to change existing pdf files on a web server? With PDF Server Script you can add text and pictures to existing pdf files with the help of a script language. You can also search and replace the existing page source code.
PDF Slideshow
Create PDF files with your photos and pictures as Slideshow. If you open the file in Acrobat Reader you don't get a static view to your photos but you will see your photos as slideshow.
PDF Watermarks
Simply add a watermark (texts and pictures) to all of your PDF files with one mouse click! This will mark you files as your copyrighted property. You can add the watermark behind all objects (behind existing texts) or print it over existings texts.
Do you ever wanted to create professional looking PDF document files? With PDF-Creator you can create PDF files from each application, which is able to produce a printer output. The program converts PostScript files into PDF files.
Нужно иметь в голове великое множество разнообразнейших идей, чтобы родить одну хорошую. Л. Мерсье
Герек поздравил с избранием нового папу Иоанна-Павла второ го, выразил надежду, что он будет другом Польши, и спросил, чем Польша, со своей стороны, могла бы ему содействовать. - постройте в Польше самый большой в мире костел! - идет. Но назвать его придется собором святого Леонида. - идет. Но мощи обеспечьте сами.
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