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» Utilities
This backup and change management tool backs up websites hosted anywhere, on any platform. It backs up your site according to a schedule you define, stores your backups in a revision history archive and sends e-mail notices when your site changes.
SkimStart is a powerful Windows utility program that helps you to have one-click access to all your favourite files. It helps you to organize your notes and quick start hidden windows utilities.
Visual Paradigm for UML (Standard Edition) for Java Platform
Visual Paradigm for UML is a platform-independent UML tool that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X. VP-UML supports all UML diagrams, reverse engineering (Java, C++, XML, CORBA IDL, DotNET dll...), code generation, import Rational Rose, plugin, etc.
GUI or console mode interactive or script driven SCSI/ATAPI device exerciser. User can send individual commands to an ATAPI or SCSI DVD CD Disk or tape device, read sectors, write sectors, change mode pages, etc. Completely programmable.
Visual SQL-Designer
Visual SQL-Designer is a program for easy visual constructing hard SQL-query for any database and write it. Support ORACLE, MS-SQL server 6.5-7.0-2000, SyBase, Db2 for NT, MSAccess and other ODBC databases. Union query builder.OLAP inside.Stored Proc
Sleep Timer Pro
Sleep Timer Pro is an all-in-one system utility to automate the use of your system. Use it to shutdown, reboot, or set an alarm. Incredibly easy to use, version 4 now has Memory and CPU monitoring!
Slices huge files into manageable chunks, and then splices them back together again. Useful for transferring files to other machines via floppy, email or internet, without having to restart the whole job if a single floppy fails.
Visual WhoIs 2004
Visual WhoIs 2004 is a handy network tool that allows you to find relevant information about domains, ip addresses, email addresses... Protect your privacy, avoid fraudulent sites. Locate web sites, email addresses and IP addresses on a 3D globe.
.NET SlidingMenu
SlidingMenu creates z-piled stacks of layers in a browser and client dynamically navigate through these layers. Using HTML inline tags it is not only easy supporting a creative focus, it is fun and it opts for a more efficient use of web space.
SlyPrint is a program which allows printing CD labels in one click.
Just think!
You insert your CD, click "Smart" button and then print a label.
From now on you do not need to waste your time and design labels for your CDs.
Другим прощай часто, себе - никогда. Пубилий
-- Нет, все! Пришел конец моему терпению. Я развожусь с Альберто! -- В чем дело? Вы такая хорошая пара. -- Понимаешь, он всегда первый читает все детективы. И каж- дый раз на первой странице пишет фамилию убийцы. На зло мне!
Лучше молчать и казаться идиотом, чем заговорить и развеять все сомнения!