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» Utilities
WinCleaner One Click
"only Ultra WinCleaner did significantly better here than XP's own Disk Cleanup. On our test system, WinCleaner removed 44MB, whereas XP got only 35MB. SystemWorks' 36MB was a near photo finish with Windows,"
Wincph encryption software
file and folder encryption software.It protect the privacy of your sensitive files and e-mail messages by encrypting them with the highest level of security.Includes hides them within a graphic file. It is integrated into Windows Context Menu.
WinCron is a task scheduling program ideal for virtually any type of unattended task management. A superset of UNIX Cron functionality, WinCron provides full scripting support for FTP, EMAIL (SMTP and POP3), IMAGING, SENDKEYS, and STRING processing.
WinCybercafe Cyber Internet Cafe Software
All-In-One Internet Cafe Software and Cyber Cafe Software. 5 modules including PC monitoring, Point of Sale System, Membership Management, Reporting and various Configurations included in one software.
Security and encryption software utility that Helps you secure your confidential data, protect your files and folders in your Win95/98 computers.
Window Cleanser
An advanced Internet and PC cleaning tool that enhances PC performance, while protecting your privacy. Erases your tracks as you use your computer and the Internet, and rids your PC of unneccesary files that slow it down.
Window Hide Tool
Window Hide Tool will help you to quickly hide a window of any application. You can set hotkeys for basic program commands: hide a window; hide all windows; hide a group of windows.
Window Security Toolkit
Get over 51 Advanced Security Settings for Windows with this power tool ! Window Security Toolkit helps you make windows totally secured by Providing access restrictions on the control panel, display settings, network, passwords, users and much more.
Windows Color Picker
Windows Color Picker is a tool to get the color codes from any area of the screen, including any window of any applications. It is super easy to use that you can get the color codes by one click, and you can copy the color codes by one click.
Windows Defender
With a few simple clicks you can customize Windows Defender to protect your files and personal settings. Each time a program, website or user attempts to change your windows settings "Windows Defender" will ask for your permission before it continues
Сила воли подобна силе мускулов. Развитие той и другой имеет одинаковое отношение к духовности. Авессалом Подводный
- дважды два - шесть! - заявляет оратор на митинге, и ег слова тонут в аплодисментах. - неправда, дважды два - четыре! - кричит правдолюбец, ко- торый после этого сразу исчезает на двадцать лет. Возвратившись из отдаленных мест, он снова попадает на митинг, на котором оратор под бурные аплодисменты заявляет: - дважды два - пять! - неправда, дважды два - четыре! - кричит правдолюбец, ко- торого жизнь ничему не научила. После митинга к нему подходит оратор, доверительно обнимает его и тихо говорит: - неужели вы бы хотели, чтобы дважды два снова было шесть?
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