Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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Go beyond Windows limited built-in scheduler. Unique features: named calendars, schedule multiple times per day (up to 127!), "exception scheduling" (rules when NOT to run jobs), keystroke recorder and more!

ExcelEverywhere for ASP & ASP.NET

Solve your problem using Microsoft Excel, and let ExcelEverywhere generate an ASP or ASP.NET-page. Looks like and calculates like the spreadsheet. Supports 140 Excel-functions. Code-behind module for backend-integration. No Excel needed on server!

ArtumSoft Universal Password Generator

Generates the passwords with provision for any available(supposed) to information on forgotten password to some objects. Allows repeatedly to shorten period which selects the passwords, or in general to make real such selection.

Parallaxis Winclip

Work with MS-Office documents faster and easier. Use WinClip for ICQ and chats! Full Windows XP compatibility!

IE Password

IE Password is a program to recover passwords for the Internet Explorer 5.x . Features: All passwords in web pages are recovering instantly (AutoComplete Password can recover!!!) Compatible with Window 98/ME/2000!!!

File Substring Replacement Utility

A shareware program that performs search and replace operations on multiple substrings in multiple files. Case-insensitive, "whole word", and wildcard searches are supported.

1st Security Center Pro

1st Security Center is a security utility that allows you to restrict access to Windows important resources. This utility helps you to keep your computer in order. It enables you to impose a variety of access restrictions to protect your privacy.

1Smart PopUp Stopper Pro

Smart PopUp Stopper stops all annoying popups. It optionally blocks banner ads for faster surfing. You can allow popups by holding down Ctrl while clicking a link. It's self configurable. It blocks the ads of Kazaa, Gator, chat messengers etc.


This software product concerned with synchronization of standard personal data between Lotus Notes software and mobile computer, based on Windows CE operating system. It easily synchronize your contacts, calendar, e-mail and tasks.

HSLAB Print Logger WE

Reduce your printing expenses by setting quotas for printing! The Print Logger software is intended for control and auditing of printer activity. The program monitors the print tasks on the computer for which it is installed.

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Нет вернее способа ободрить врага, как показать, что его боишься.
Ф. Купер


Хозяин фермы, расположенной на отдаленном малень-
ком островке, послал свою жену на соседний остров к лавочнику,
дав ей записку такого содержания: "Все перечисленные в списке
покупки запиши на мой счет в долг. Я не решаюсь дать жене деньги
с собой, пока лед еще такой тонкий".


У этих русских всё как-то не по-эстонски.

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