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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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Clipboard Clear

Clipboard Clear allows you to secure your system by prohibiting the use of the PrintScreen key. It can also prohibit other general uses of the clipboard for greater security, if desired, so that no unauthorized user uses it.

FastOpen XP

FastOpen XP has many features to help you manage a menu of files, folders and web address, and can display an unlimited number of menu items. The menu is available from an icon in the tray bar area or from button next to the Start menu.


MultiBatcher is an automation and processing program primarily aimed at IT professionals and advanced users. It is e.g. trivial to create a batch that optimizes space utilization in a website, renames files etc.

1 Nutty Santa Screen Saver

Watch Santa perform outrageous antics from his sleigh while steering around the screen.

eIMAGE Recovery

eIMAGE Recovery is a powerful digital image and photo recovery software to recover lost or deleted digital photos, images, pictures and multimedia from all types of media including digital cameras, SmartMedia, CompactFlash, Memory Sticks, and others.

Office DocumentsRescue Professional

Recover lost document files from PC, PDAs, SmartPhones, CD/DVD disks and any other storage device with addition of wide range file format support: DOC, XLS, PPT, PDF, RTF, LIT, 3DS, etc.

Perfect Shutdown for Windows

Perfect Shutdown for Windows - easy-to-use application that allows you to automatically shutdown, reboot, logoff your computer.


Discreetmail can be run from a floppy or CD to use on any computer or installed on your own computer. It starts up very quickly and allows the user to send emails using any email address you like as the sender. Emails can also be encrypted.

High Visibility Animated Cursors

A collection of bright, colorful High Visibility Animated Cursors for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000. There are 257 cursors in the set. The cursors are copyrighted but free for personal use.


OutlookExpressRecovery is a standalone utility that is used to recover the corrupted mail files from Microsoft Outlook Express versions 4, 5, 5.5 and 6.Available for all modern platforms: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME. Recovers file attachents.

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От убеждения в том, что это необходимо, они переходят к убеждению в том, что это возможно.
Н. Винер


Перед приездом министра обороны на ракетный полигон рядовом
Петрову приказали покрасить ракету. Он не доставал до носа верти-
кально стоящей ракеты, а тащить лестницу ему было лень. Он заки-
нул ведерко с краской на нос ракеты. Краска стекла вниз, покрыв
ракету, а ведерко осталось наверху.
- что это такое? - строго спросил у Петрова прибывший ми-
нистр, указывая на ведерко.
- синхрофазотрон!
- вижу, что синхрофазотрон. Почему не покрашен?


Водка-наш враг... Но кто сказал что мы боимся врагов?!

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