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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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A powerful and simple to use audio editor, even beginners can be productive in minutes. Record, edit, and mix sound across 8 tracks and export wav or mp3 files in up to 16 bit 48 KHz audio, all in real time. 7 powerful sound effects + DMO effects.


Idex is a complete multimedia database and webpublishing solution. Manage all your digital files in a searchable database. Then share your files by publishing them to the internet. No HTML programming required to create dynamic websites.


Easy to use strong file encryption, integrated with Windows Explorer. Encrypt, compress, decrypt, wipe, view and edit with a few mouse clicks. Cryptographic primitives are AES-128 and SHA-1.

Execution Controller Pro

This shareware allows you to lock, unlock files and folders automatically based on your needs. You also could use this shareware to run a locked file or locked folder of your chosen, and the file or folder in question remains lock.

101 Contacts Pro.

101 Contacts is the perfect dialing and emailing solution for case workers, staff managers or anyone who who needs to keep notes about phone calls. You can store up to 3000 contacts and each contact can have up to 25 phone numbers and emails.

Dialog Box Assistant

Dialog Box Assistant greatly speeds up access to your favorite folders and files. It extends the standard Windows Open and Save dialog boxes with two additional buttons: one for the list of the recently used folders, another for the recent files.

HyperClipper XL

Clipboard utility. Enhances standard copy/paste functions of Windows, 200 pieces clips stack, preview, full clipboard control. Windows Explorer integrated. Enhanced selectable paste with preview available by Ctrl+V (Shift+Ins). Drag-drop paste.

CAD Closure

CAD Closure allows you to generate geometric closures from the dimension text (not line properties) in your CAD drawing. Works seamlessly with AutoCAD but is not required as CAD Closure has a built-in viewer. Multiple reports formats available.

Anti-Trojan Shield

The purpose of this awesome scanner is to detect and fix a problem by removing Trojan horse or computer virus completely. Wide variety of settings, intuitive interface, and a huge Trojan definitions database makes it one of the best in its field.


CastlePaste allows you to easily paste any text you want into the active program. It follows the currently active window, so it is always there when you need it. No more switching between windows to cut and paste.

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Во всяком произведении искусства, великом или малом, вплоть до самого малого, все сводится к концепции.
И. Гёте


- Иосиф Виссагионович, смогли бы вы для дела геволюци
гасстгелять десять человек?
- канэшно, Владимир Ильич!
- скажите, батенька, а десять тысяч человек гассгелять
смогли бы?
- канэшно, Владимир Ильич!
- так, так, батенька мой... А если бы для дела геволюции
нужно было гасстгелять десять миллионов человек? Смогли бы? -
Ленин быстро взглянул на собеседника и хитро прищурился.
- канэшно, Владимир Ильич!
- э, нет, батенька мой, вот тут-то мы вас и попгавим!


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