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BurnInTest is an easy to use software tool that simultaneously exercises the major components of a computer, to test for endurance and reliability. Tests include CPU, RAM, Disk, Video, CD, DVD, Printer, Sound, Network and video playback.
Handy Backup Pro
Easy-to-use and powerful backup program for Windows 9x/NT/2000/Me/XP. Can work with CD-R/W, FTP or LAN. Flexible scheduler, strong file encryption and multichoice ZIP compression. The program can be run as a service under Windows NT/2000/XP.
CHAOS Self Decryptor
CHAOS Self Decryptorr is the program that creates self-decrypting chaos-files for Windows.
Ace Poster
Ace Poster is a program that can help you to print your own poster of any size right on your printer. You can make posters of the best possible quality in a moment. Ace Poster also enable you to create a poster only from a certain part of a picture.
LogEdit allows the user to edit ANSI documents from mud clients and silmilar. RegEx Filters and custom color filters can then be applied to the document. The document can be saved as HTML, Rich Text (RTF), Ansi text, and pure text.
Excel Password Recovery
Excel Password Recovery is a program to recover lost or forgotten passwords to the Microsoft Excel 2003/XP/2002/2000/97 documents protected with password for open. The program supports the "brute-force" attack, dictionary-based attack.
Alpha Key Saver
Alpha Key Saver lets you easily insert commonly used text into any application. Text replies are stored in a database for easy re-use so you can add them to emails and other documents without ever re-typing.
Inserts user names and passwords in a flash
Advanced Password Manager
Advanced Password Manager is a handy password management software that uses US Government approved encryption standard, features cool interface and is very easy to use. You are sure to love programs autofill feature. Get your copy now!
Multi-Remote Registry Change
The fastest, easiest and most complete remote Windows NT registry management tool available. With the ability to change tens of thousands of keys per minute, it can reduce the amount of time you spend doing registry maintenance from days to minutes
Человек благородный везде отщепенец для своих соплеменников и соплеменниц. аль-Маарри
Однажды муж сказал жене: -- Принеси немного сыру, он укрепляет желудок, вызывает аппетит и успокаивает нервы. -- Но у нас нет дома сыра,-- ответила жена. -- Очень хорошо, так как сыр расстраивает желудок и ос- лабляет корни зубов,-- заметил муж. -- Как же мне быть, верить твоему первому слову или вто- рому? -- спросила жена. -- Если у тебя есть сыр, то верь первому, а если нет, то второму.
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