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Favorite Notes
Favorite Notes can be used to bookmark a website or a file and provide additional information that's associated with the website or file (i.e. user names, passwords, registered e-mail addresses, ...).
PC On/Off Time tracking
shows the working time on your computer of the last 3 weeks graphically. PC On/Off Time works with Windows NT,2000,XP. You get an extensive evaluation of your working times and projects with the professional time tracking software Visual TimeAnalyzer
Daily Backup
puts files into zip archives: as soon as a file is changed (or created), at fixed time periods, when the system is idle, or on shutdown.
see the generations of files; go back to a previous generation whenever you want.
Synchronize, back up, archive and transfer your directories and files by media like USB sticks, CDs and DVDs, network, another hard disk, cable, or Internet. Backer keeps all your computers up to date.
Copy and Restore
Copy and Restore developed for recovering data from corrupted or non-stable media (CD, DVD, Floppy, LAN-drives).
ABF Value Converter
ABF Value Converter is an application for measurement units conversion. This software easily converts various measurement values into any other possible ones. Inches to centimetres, pounds to kilograms, Fahrenheit to Celsius, and so on.
FX Saver
FX Saver helps you to create your own professional screen saver using your favorite images and background sounds easily. FX Saver supports more than 30 popular image formats, 2000 special effect combinations, and MID/WAV/MP3 sound formats.
Advanced File Shredder
Advanced File Shredder securely erases files or folders on your PC using seven pass US Government standard wiping and cryptographically strong random number key. Shredded files cannot be restored by any data recovery software.
12Ghosts SetColor
Great tool to set the icon colors suitable to your wallpaper image. Change the desktop icon's text color and the desktop icon text's background color, even to transparent! A handy tool, with a functionality not possible before in Windows.
Directory Scanner
Directory Scanner 1.8 makes listings of files in a directory or drive including sub folders and sorts it to a text file ready to be edited or exported to an external editor or cd-cover design program.
Художник думает рисунком. С. Дали
Отец говорит сыну, который хочет жениться: -- У тебя, сын, еще недостаточно опыта, чтобы жениться! -- А когда же, по-твоему, у меня будет достаточно опыта для этого? -- Когда ты начнешь понимать, что жениться не стоит.
Женщина на юге должна быть непокобелимой!