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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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Advanced Encryption Package 2004

With AEP you can encrypt files for your own protection and you can easily create "self-decrypting" versions of your files that others can run witthout needing AEP.The program includes a file shredder that wipes the contents of your original files

a-Mac Address Change

Change your Mac Address in seconds! Scan Mac Address within any range of IP address. Exports the scanning results from a Mac Address Lookup list.Spoofing the Mac Address of your network card to any new Mac Address.It makes ping mac address possible.

File Finder

File Finder provides a highly efficient interface for quickly locating files. File Finder is especially useful when the exact name of the file is unknown or a large collection of unorganized files must be searched.

Best Resume

The software can let everybody follow software wizard brief step by step and needn't consider the style of resume and drawing form for oneself,but automatic to turn into a resume.

LDB QuickExecute

Pop-up panel for quick launch of frequently used programs, documents, etc., also for Winamp and some Windows functions control. The main window of the program (panel) is allocated at the top of the screen and occurs automatically.

Multi Replace

Need to change some text that could be in hundreds of text files? Multi Replace will help you with only several clicks. The text replacement tool can replace single words or entire paragraphs. You can choose file mask and some useful options.


OutlookRecovery fixes corrupted Microsoft Outlook files. Unfortunately, corrupted file systems pop up and damage important files at the worst possible times. When this happens, OutlookRecovery can save the day. Supports Microsoft Outlook 95/97/2000.

Advanced Security Level

Secure your PC and restrict access to it with Advanced Security Level. It gives you an excellent administrative support to control the users access rights for your computer by setting up the desired access control level for each user.

EZ IE Backup

EZ IE Backup makes it easy to backup your favorites and cookies to a ZIP archive and works with the Windows Task Scheduler to provide an automated backup solution.

Elite Japan Crossword

Elite Japan Crossword features several thousand puzzles known as Japanese crosswords, nonograms, griddlers and point-by-numbers. Puzzle-lovers are guaranteed to fall in love with this program.

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Если ты в здравом уме, не мечтай, что верна тебе будет Та, что в объятья твои пала с такой быстротой.


Муж и жена прогуливаются по улице. Внезапно жена за-
мечает, что навстречу идет ее подруга в новом платье.
-- Милый,-- говорит она мужу,-- вон идет Марина. Когда
она поравняется с нами, остановись и скажи ей, что у нее замеча-
тельное платье.
-- Зачем? Ты хочешь сделать ей приятное?
-- Наоборот! Я вчера уверяла ее, что у тебя ужасный вкус!


Имел такой склад ума, что хоть сторожа нанимай.

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