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» Utilities
avast! Virus Cleaner
avast! Virus Cleaner is a free tool that will completely remove selected viruses & worms from PC: Badtrans, Beagle, Blaster, BugBear, Ganda, Klez, MiMail, MyDoom, Nachi, NetSky, Nimda, Opas, Scold, Sircam, Sober, Sobig, Swen, Yaha, incl. variants.
AUTOption is software to enable users to create professional autorun CD menus with minimal time and effort. To make a menu the user has the option of using a step by step wizard or using the menu editor where results are previewed immediately.
Access Boss
Access Boss is the unique easy-to-use tool, which enables person in charge of access rights restriction in corporate environment make his job without having to be a computer genius! Security is just a couple of clicks away! Download FREE trial today!
Keyboard Manager Deluxe
Assign shortcuts, text, and objects to over 350 keyboard hotkeys, including function keys, letters, and numbers, with Shift, Ctrl, and/or Alt. Press hotkeys to open programs, files, and webpages, and to paste text, files, images, and sounds.
fsMechanic - fast and powerful solution for data recovering. Implements 3 original algorithms, supports FAT and NTFS, has a simple "Explorer"-like interface and much more!
Auto ShutDown XP Professional
The most advanced Auto ShutDown application on the market.
Functions include Schedules, Conditional shutdown, Security, Prevent PC Restarts, Quick Shutdown, Remote systems shutdown, user guide and lots more.
Actual Transparent Window
Add transparency effect to any window such as Taskbar, WinAmp, Menus, Instant Messengers and others in Windows 2000/XP. You can set individual transparency rate from 0% (fully transparent) to 100% (solid) for each window to achieve the desired effect
Easy to use interface makes this animator by an irreplaceable tool for people who like the speed and the power at the same time. Creating animated file for five steps. Preview. Adding a text. Flipping and cloning for frame. Adding a sound into AVI
CSS Quick Backup
Backup utility with Windows Explorer integration. Backups are created and scheduled using the Job Wizard. A Restore Wizard is used to perform restorations. Includes File Sentry, which monitors your files and creates a backup every time they change.
Advanced Service Manager (ASM)
Advanced Service Manager (ASM) helps manage Services on NT machines, across the enterprise from a single machine at the same time.
Даже и теперь я не более завидую силе молодых, чем прежде завидовал силе быка или слона. Цицерон
Инженер взял отпуск. Ему выдали отпускные одними руб- лями. Он пришел домой, разложил их на столе. Думает: вот придет жена, и я ее удивлю. Слышит звонок в дверь. Открывает, а на по- роге сосед. Просит дрель, а сам заглядывает через плечо. -- Что это у тебя там на столе разложено? -- Да это деньги сохнут. Всю ночь печатал и разложил для просушки. Сосед ушел. Через некоторое время врывается милиция. Видит на столе деньги. -- А где клише? Говори, где клише, с которого ты печатал? -- Я его соседу отдал. Сейчас он печатает. Те--к соседу. Произвели обыск и нашли самогонный ап- парат. Соседа оштрафовали на крупную сумму.
Если моя память мне ни с кем не изменяет, то я вспомню...