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Archivarius 3000
Archivarius 3000 - is a full-featured application to search documents and e-mail on computer, local network and removable drives (CD, DVD), with quick review and documents printing tools, remote searching and accessing via Internet functions.
Nevron Chart for . NET
Nevron Chart for .NET is the leading charting component for .NET. The component features numerous charting types, VS design time support, empty data points, built-in toolbar, flexible axes, financial functions, strong server side support and more.
Client Side SSI
Using Client Side SSI, you can convert SHTML files (HTML files with SSI -- Server Side Includes) to plain HTML files. This can be used both for testing SHTML files and for developing plain HTML files (avoiding duplicate HTML fragments, etc.)
AutoTask 2000 Task Scheduler
AutoTask 2000 is a task scheduler designed specifically for Windows. AutoTask can be ran as a service or as a desktop application in the background. It has very flexible scheduling and conditional triggers for running various routine tasks.
LAN Spider
LAN Spider is a full-featured network file searching utility. Advanced options help you pinpoint the exact patterns of the wanted file. Multitask design provides the fastest search speed ever. You can export search results into various 4 formats.
Employee Scheduling Assistant 2000
For businesses that have mostly full-time employees. The program keeps track of vacations, shift assignments and rotations. Print out weekly or monthly schedules.
This program is often used by Corporations, Hospitals and Police departments.
OmniChex Web
Manage info on a website in linked checklists, with browser, mobile phone or PDA. All checklists: task, to do, shopping, meetings, travel, packing, bookmark, wish, wedding registry, recipe, directions etc. Try now with a free account on omnichex.com!
Acrasoft AutoPilot
AutoPilot is a program that helps you automate tasks. With AutoPilot you can run many tasks based on all kinds of triggers. You can run a task from a hotkey. You can run a task from a popup menu, a time based interval or many other types of triggers.
East-Tec Sanitizer 2004
Don't give away sensitive information, valuable corporate trade secrets, business plans, personal files, or traces of Internet or newsgroup activity with the old computers that you or your company resells, donates or removes from operation.
Discover how this program will help you with the problem of having unattended computers left running for long periods of time by switching them off for you at a set time each day. No need to worry about whose job it is to switch them off either.
Ученик никогда не превзойдет учителя, если видит в нем образец, а не соперника. В.Г. Белинский
- что такое акселерация - то, что комсомольцам 20-х было по плечу, комсомольцам 80-х - по х...!
Почему у мужчин зимой ноги мерзнут, а у женщин нет??? Потому что у мужчин подогрев хуевый, а у женщин пиздатый