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GREPPES Text Tools
PDGREPPE : Pattern Definition GREP; FGREPPE : Fast Fixed GREP; Both edit Pattern matches in files; PDGREPPE uses Extended Regular Expressions that are like wildcards (?*) and reuses patterns. FGREPPE uses FIXED/literal patterns. MANY options.
GRL RealHidden
GRL RealHidden version 1.0 is a software utility that allows you to hide a file physically inside of another file, and then retrieve that hidden file.
GTK2 Text Editor
A simple text editor with Unicode support for Windows and Linux. Nice Notepad replacement. MANY encodings. Good editor for e.g. international HTML/XML files. Supports multi-level undo, autoindent etc., also right to left text. Nice look & feel.
Guitar Sidekick
Guitar Sidekick is the all-in-one utility for guitarists! Includes a tablature editor/composer that can display your work in tab and standard notation. Also includes tools for scales, chords, a tuner, metronome, drum machine, and much more!
GVH File library
All-in-one 32-bit file/folder utlity DLL for C and C++ developers.
This API contains many file/folder functions: Find,search/replace,(de)compression,file- and folderselection dialogs, split/merge and much more.
Hard Angel
Do you remember CIH? Hard Angel it is jumper for your hard drive: hardware protection of your drive; allows to lock attacks of viruses which use this mechanism; allows to warn the user about the risk of data loss; works under any OS.
HD Workbench
HD Workbench is a Windows 2000/XP utility that can be used to examine your disk's health utilizing S.M.A.R.T. and read/write disk tests. Data can be evacuated from failing disks by making an an exact sector by sector clone of the failing drive.
honestech Burn DVD
You can use “Burn DVD” to produce DVD, VCD or SVCD from movie files or music video files saved on your hard disk in various formats (MPEG, AVI, DV-AVI, WMV, ASF). Its simple and intuitive GUI allows anyone to use it easily.
Host Evaluator
Finally there is a way that you can analyze web hosts before you pull out your credit card and make the move. With the Host Evaluator software you can add the web hosting plans you want to compare, and test out the servers of web hosting companies.
Книга - не оттиск души, но просто дозволенный отдых. Овидий
Австралийский фермер, разбогатевший на овцах, купил за безумные деньги роскошный автомобиль. -- Ну, как машина? -- спросили его через несколько дней.-- Стоит этих денег? -- Машина как машина, но вот стекло, которое отделяет во- дителя от пассажирского салона, мне очень нравится. -- Стекло? А что в нем особенного? -- О, теперь овцы не мешают мне управлять машиной.
Женщина за рулем - фашист на танке!