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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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ABC Amber Word2Excel Converter

Advanced utility which converts tables from DOC (MS Word) files to XLS (MS Excel) easily and quickly. Supports a batch conversion, a run from command line, more than 50 languages.

Internet Secure Tunneling

Internet Secure Tunneling can forward otherwise insecure TCP traffic through encrypted SSH Secure Shell tunnel. You can secure for example DATABASE, POP3, SMTP and HTTP connections that would otherwise be insecure.

Panda Security Demo

Helps you keep hackers or unauthorized users away from your files, and from configuring your systems. You can prevent data from being removed from your company or computer. And you can prevent users from accessing certain Internet addresses.

InstantRecovery Personal Edition

Easily and quickly perform an image backup of a hard drive or partition directly to CD-R, CD-RW, hard disk, removable, or tape drive! Make an exact copy of your hard drive and save it as a file, too! Now works with USB and FireWire hard drives.

Alpha Organizer

Alpha Organizer includes an address book, to-do list, notepad and password vault, makes for a complete personal information management system that gets and keeps you organized.


Fast and easy to use random password generator. Generates different types of passwords (e. g. speakable password). Generation of "readable" passwords. Convenient use. Password mass generation: Generation of up to 10,000 passwords in a few seconds.

PDF to Text (pdf2text) SDK-COM

pdf to text SDK-COM can convert pdf to text file, it does not need Adobe Acrobat software, it has high speed in pdf to text conversion.


DupeChecker will show you all duplicated files and folders. You can delete them or move to another folder, so increasing a lot of useful disk space. Running this application once a month, you wiil see, that your system can work faster than now.

Absolute Key Logger

AKL is a small program that records all keystrokes into a log file. You can use it to: - restore lost typed text in documents and web forms - find forgotten passwords and logins - have full control of your computer, control your kids and employees

Japanese-English Visual Pronanciation Dictionary

Easy to use comprehensive Japanese-English dictionary. Enter a Japanese expression using the built-in virtual Kanji/ASCII keyboard. Following the translations search, user can both listen and observe correct and accurate pronunciation.

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У каждого философа две философии: одна обращена вовне, другая - для себя.
Д. Толанд


Утром Хуго подошел к окну, посмотрел на улицу и ска-
зал жене:
-- По всему видно, что сегодня будет прекрасный день.
-- Ну и что из этого?
-- А ты как-то говорила, что в один прекрасный день уйдешь
от меня.


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