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» Business
Crystal Delivery
Crystal Delivery is an automatic exporter for Crystal Reports. Crystal Delivery can export to PDF, XLS, XLS (data only), RPT, DOC, CSV, TXT, RTF, HTML, XML, Record, Print, or E-mail.
Personal Archive Creator
This product allows you to create electronic product catalogs on a CD-ROM, Web, or printed page. Using a pictures and descriptions and prices for each product.
Plus an automatic shopping cart and order form printing.
! TreePad SAFE
Personal Information Manager (PIM) and database, password protected with high-security encryption, Word Processor, multi-import/export, search, bookmarks, recycler, 10 skins, favorites, hyperlinks, sort, auto-save, auto-indent, images+icons, etc.
Alert Me Jigaro
Great calendar that is lightweight on your system resources. Has printing capabilities. Adding reminders is very easy and intuitive. Reminders can be recurring and range from minutes to years. Pops up reminders from the Windows system tray.
CafeTimePro - Public Access Internet Kiosk Timer Software
CafeTimePro converts a desktop computer into a secure Internet/Application kiosk for public access. Includes CafeShop P.O.S. Simple Interface, Multiple Languages, Timers, Security, Variable or fixed rates, Prepay or Cash or Acceptor ready
Still Haven't found that personal information manager (PIM) software that will work with you instead of against you? EasyNoter is a straight-forward easy-to-use PIM with all the power and flexibility you'll probably ever need..."
PDF2Mail Pilot
Convert any document into PDF file using this virtual printer and send it via e-mail. All you have to do is to choose the "Print" command for your document and select this virtual printer from your printers list.
All Organizer
An All-In-One powerful information organizer specialize in Personal and workgroup information manage. It can manage all your Personal information and add-on e-photo,e-book easily and securely.
IDpack Plus
IDpack Plus is a fast and reliable badge-printing program for Windows. It allows you to design and produce photo ID cards, badges, labels and nametags for all kinds of uses. IDpack prints on your own printer with more than 1000 Avery label formats.
fpHelp Builder
The fpHelp Builder is a very simple Microsoft FrontPage add-in that allows the conversion of a web site to a Microsoft HTML Help file (CHM file). Your workable of FrontPage is enough to construct the Help file from any web site.
Ад - это другие. Ж. Сартр
Иностранный корреспондент, осматривающий советский завод сопровождении секретаря парткома, берет интервью у подвернувшего- ся рабочего. - сколько вы получаете? - сто рублей... - отвечает рабочий и осекается, заметив страшные глаза секретаря - ...в неделю! - добавляет он. - какая у вас квартира? - у меня одна комната... - говорит рабочий, - ...окнами на юг, одна - окнами на восток и одна - на запад! - а какое у вас хобби? - 30 сантиметров, - брякает рабочий и видит, как секретарь схватился за голову. - в диаметре! - уточняет он.
Из всех криков моды белые тапки самый последний.