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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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Sheet Music Designer

Sheet Music Designer is a utility to print blank music paper on letter size (8.5" x 11") paper. With this program you can print treble and bass staves, along with guitar tablature. A handy software tool for composers, musicians and music teachers!

WebQuiz XP

WebQuiz XP is the new software product which allows you to create interactive HTML quizzes, tests and assessments that you can immediately answer on-screen or publish to the Internet. It includes several ready-to-use professional templates.

Sheet Lightning Demo

Sheet Lightning is a specialised engineering 2D/3D CAD System for creating and unfolding sheet metal designs for fabrication or manufacture. It handles cylinders, cones, square-to-round adapters, ovals, intersections and mutli-intersections.

Sheet Lightning

Sheet Lightning is a specialised engineering 2D/3D CAD System for creating and unfolding sheet metal designs for fabrication or manufacture. It handles cylinders, cones, square-to-round adapters, ovals, intersections and mutli-intersections.

WebQuiz Writer

WebQuiz Writer software is an industry standard software package that allows the administration of exams via the Internet (online testing).

Sense and Sensibility

Sense And Sensibility by Jane Austen. When Mr. Dashwood dies, he must leave the bulk of his estate to the son by his first marriage, which leaves his second wife and three daughters (Elinor, Marianne, and Margaret) in straitened circumstances.

Scripture Challenge

Scripture Challenge is an in-depth Bible question and answer game, containing over 3600 questions gathered from the Old and New Testaments. Scripture Challenge offers a unique and enjoyable method of learning more about your Bible.

WhizFolder Viewer

WhizFolder Viewer is a freeware ebook application that allows viewing of WhizFolder hypertext documents created by anyone. Hence, the authors and writers can distribute and share their work with others as electronic books in WhizFolder documents.


One of the most popular word games ever, Scramble transforms a phrase into a coded message by scrambling the alphabet. You can either solve a randomly chosen message on-screen, or you can print a scrambled message for family, friends to solve!

Sherlock Holmes - A Library

Whodunit? A complete collection of the Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Read, listen to, and print the Sherlock Holmes stories. This software will read aloud the Sherlock Holmes stories to you using Text-To-Speech Technology.

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В нашем мире опасность всегда угрожает тем, кто ее боится.
Б. Шоу


Пришли соседи в гости к соседям. А хозяин был очень
скупой. Сели за стол, хозяйка приглашает гостей:
-- Ешьте, пейте, пожалуйста, гости дорогие! Вот сливяночка,
вот студень, колбаска, пирожки свеженькие. Ешьте, ешьте!..
А муж как подскочит:
-- Ну что ты все просишь -- ешьте, ешьте, что они, сами не
видят? Слепые, что ли?!


Человек создан для счастья, как птица для духовки...

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