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Custom Internet Explorer Toolbar Builder
Allows you to quickly and easily generate custom internet explorer toolbars for your website or search engine. Lets you change your toolbar as much as you like. Easy to use.
Email Automator
Email Automation Software Sends Personalized Bulk Email to Your Mailing Lists, Automatically Responds to Incoming Messages, Processes Your Subscribe and Unsubscribe Requests, and Cleans and Manages Your Lists
Get It Done
Get It Done is a powerful and easy to use to-do list program that allows you to organize and prioritize everything that you have to get done. It has many useful features including the ability to prioritize, categorize, and print your task list.
GDS 2000 PRO
GDS 2000 PRO is incontestably the software you need to manage your service calls. It allows you to follow efficiently your service calls and keep the history of all the problems and solutions encountered.
OsaSync Lite
OsaSync enables you to share and/or synchronize Microsoft Outlook 2000/2002/2003 contacts. Share your Outlook contacts with your family or colleagues or synchronize your contacts with another computer like your laptop.
Start running your OWN download site in a matter of hours! Promote your ISP, your software, or simply use it as a revenue raising tool! With content updated hourly with no intervention from you, what could be simpler!
Ezy Invoice 3000
Create and manage your Invoices, Quotes, Credit & Debit Notes, Delivery Orders, Letters & Faxes. Manage your Inventory & Accounts Receivables. Instant access to Sales, Receipts, Debtors, Tax & Inventory Reports. Export reports to PDF, Excel & others.
An useful tool in today's global economy. Including "World Clock" for seeing the current time in cities from around the world; "Currency Exchanger" for converting amounts of currency; "Measurement Converter" to convert between units.
ExcelEverywhere for Java/JSP
Good-looking calculating JSP-page from Excel.
Separate JavaBean with full source. 140 functions supported. No Excel needed on server. Both Windows and *nix supported. Easy to do backend-integration. Fast updating: fix spreadsheet and generate again
Easy to use interface makes this animator by an irreplaceable tool for people who like the speed and the power at the same time. Creating animated file for five steps. Preview. Adding a text. Flipping and cloning for frame. Adding a sound into AVI
Новые взгляды сквозь старые щели. Г. Лихтенберг
На банкете гости поочередно читают поздравления и объяв- ляют тосты в честь юбиляра. Было уже немало выпито, когда к оче- редному оратору приблизился официант и обратился со словами: -- Прошу прощения, сэр, но ваша поздравительная речь, как мне кажется, заткнута у вас за воротник вместо салфетки, а то, что вы читаете,-- меню!
"Доpогая ты моя " - сказа сантехник Петpов , помогая жене надеть новую ноpковую шубу.