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Address Book Recovery
With Address Book Recovery you can:
1.Restore accidentally deleted contacts.
2.View the changes archive on the contact.
3.Restore the contacts from defective Address Book files (*.wab), where contacts from Outlook and Outlook Express are stored.
NoteBook 2000
NoteBook is a small program useful for keeping short notes and lists. The main window displays a table of contents built from the first line of each notebook page. Double-click on an entry in this table to display and edit the specific note.
FarmMate PalmOS
Powerful helper for farmers with a lot of equipment to maintain. Includes both Palm OS Handheld and Windows Desktop versions to keep track of equipment maintenance, repair data.
smart job hunter
Smart Job Hunter is a handy utility that enables you to keep track of your job search. By associating companies, contacts and messages, with jobs offers (and more), you get an impressive database which enables you to keep control of your search.
1 - Clipboard & Bookmark by M8
The M8 multi clipboard captures everything that you cut or copy from any program, text or graphics. It holds up to 300,000 clips, has a form filling mode and can start your most used programs.
MS Outlook calendar sharing application based on a database in a lan. Either with or without Exchange Server you can now get a overview of all appointments of all co-workers without the use of anexternal program. Just stay in Outlook.
EAN Bar Codes
Print EAN bar codes from Windows! European Article Numbering barcode set does EAN 8, EAN 13, and Bookland (ISBN numbers). Includes VBA functions for Excel and Access, Word label templates, and BAREAN.EXE, a utility that builds bar codes for you.
Air Travel Toolkit - USA
Air Travel Toolkit - USA includes all of the tools necessary for the airline passenger and Travel Agent to be informed. Includes an Airline Ticket Tutorial, the only one of it's kind. Written by professional airline employees.
Home bookkeeping Lite
Home bookkeeping is to keep Your personal money. There are the following capabilities of Home bookkeeping: recording of expenses; recording of incomes; detailed report on expenses and incomes; providing of different diagrams and many other options.
В молодости учатся, а в старости понимают. Мария Эшенбах
Пожилая еврейская пара готовится ко сну. -- Изя, ты закрыл калитку? -- Закрыл, Соня, закрыл. -- А дверь ты закрыл? -- И дверь закрыл. -- А на английский замок? -- И на английский замок, Соня. -- А на бельгийский? -- И на бельгийский закрыл. -- А на засов? -- И на засов закрыл, Соня. -- А на цепочку? -- И на цепочку тоже. -- Изя, а на швабру ты закрыл дверь? -- Ой! На швабру, кажется, забыл. -- Ну вот! Заходи и бери, что хочешь!
Дpессиpовщик выпил. Львы закусили.