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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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Raster To Vector

Raster To Vector converter is the most powerful and absolutely free solution for digitizing vector data from image sources. It combines the power of outline vectorizing technology with many other unique features.

The Atom Builder

Chemistry teaching software which simulates the building of any of the first 20 atoms (up to calcium) on screen. Learn how atoms are formed from electrons, protons and neutrons and how the electrons are arranged in shells or energy levels.


Learn English, French,German, Spanish,Russian and Uzbek words visually, written and verbal. When information is presented visually, in a written language and in a verbal format, you learn best. Picword has about 1000 thousand nice and funny pictures.


pmaCalc is THE replacement for your pocket calculator. it combines a scientific calculator with a programmer's calculator.


Vocaboly is a learning software for English vocabulary, especially for TOEFL, GMAT, GRE, SAT test takers, through many learning methods, including test and game, memorizing will be much easier and more efficient, above all it's fun.

Planet's Orbits

Planet's Orbits (for Windows 98/ME/2000/XP) is an accurate digital orrery with a wealth of functionality. The program uses the DE404 ephemeris (accurate for dates between 2000 B.C. and 6000 AD) for the calculation of planetary (except Pluto).


With Plagiarism-Finder, any Windows-based PC with Internet access can be used to check files for exact phrase matching on the Web. Upon completing the scan, Plagiarism-Finder highlights suspect passages and includes links to matching Web pages.

Pizza Party Puzzles

Middle-School (grades 5 through 9) math program written to provide skills in context. Students use hints to find what fraction of a pizza was eaten by each of five party-goers.

Pitch ID

Pitch ID trains pitch and interval identifcation by ear with immediate feedback and scoring. Pitch ID generates unlimited questions in every major and harmonic minor key in 15 levels of graduated difficulty. Demo has first 2 levels.

Piezas Clбsicas para Guitarra - Vol 1

Diez piezas clбsicas para guitarra acъstica o elйctrica, volumen I, para tocar sуlo o en duo... buen nivel requirido. En el programa: Bach, Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven, Tйlйman...

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Опыт - учитель, дорого берущий за свои уроки, но никто не учит лучше него.
Т. Карлейл


Художественная выставка в Париже. Пикассо забыл свой приг
ласительный билет. Его не пускают:
- докажите, что вы Пикассо.
Он одним взмахом карандаша изобразил голубя мира, и его про-
пустили. Фурцева тоже забыла приглашение , и ее не пускают.
- я министр культуры СССР!
- чем вы это можете доказать? Вот Пикассо тоже забыл би-
лет, и ему пришлось рисовать.
- а кто такой Пикассо?
- все в порядке, госпожа министр культуры, можете прохо-


"Рожденный брать, - давать не может!" P.S. ...и вообще: не мужское это дело!..

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