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The Quote For Today Software For Windows
Quotez! (The Quote For Today) will brighten your day by offering a quote when you start your computer or anytime you click on the advance icon. With over 10,000 quotes, jokes, one-liners, snappy sayings, and even a politically incorrect blurb or two, there will always be something to entertain at your fingertips. Add quotes of your own by simply cutting and pasting whenever you find a pithy saying. An alarm feature lets you set a reminder with a message and warning sound at whatever date/time you wish. You can also have the reminder message be a command-line instruction to execute a selected program. You can only set one alarm at a time, and there is no random advance of the quotes, but with a starting database of 10K quotes, who's complaining?
The Scroll, Bible Topics
Search 78 Bible Topics 195,000 words of modern material on the Bible including History of the Bible, Books of the Bible, Bible Themes, Life of Christ, People, Custom & Practices, Major Events, Objects, Archaeology, Languages.
The Iron Heel
The Iron Heel describes the fall of the US to a cruel fascist dictatorship. Fearful of the popularity of socialism, the plutocrats of the Iron Heel conspire to eliminate democracy and, with their secret police and military, terrorize the citizenry.
The Haunted Bookshop
Roger Mifflin, the proprietor of the Haunted Bookshop, is saddened to think he shall die with thousands of books unread.
WinRar companion for periodic compression scanning files with streams candidates to an ftp send, compressing with normalized filenames to a target folder and restoring Macintosh structures, filenames and NTFS Win 2K files properties after reception
RAR Password Recovery
RAR Password Recovery is a powerful tool to recover lost (forgotten) passwords for a RAR/WinRAR (2.xx and 3.xx) archives. The program supports the "brute-force" attack, dictionary-based attack and dramatically fastest "Booost-Up" attack.
RAR Password Cracker
This program is intended to recover lost passwords for RAR/WinRAR archives of versions 2.xx and 3.xx. The program finds by "bruteforce", or "dictionay" ("wordlist") method. Self-extracting and multivolume archives are supported.
Raptor - Call of the Shadows
One of the BEST PC shooters yet! A fast paced slugfest, with a pulse-pounding sound track, and jaw-dropping VGA animation & cinematics. In the future as a mercenary flying the super-tech Raptor.
RapidKey Autotext
Rapid Key for Windows 9x,ME,NT,2000,XP provides you with a new Windows functionality: After starting RapidKey you find the RapidKey icon on the taskbar. You have access to Autotexts and in all your Windows applications.
The Hat
Just like pulling names from a hat to determine a random order for a group of people, this program generates a random order from a list of any number of names. Import names from a file, show special effects while shuffling names, and more.
И устрица имеет врагов! К. Прутков
Для поездки по Ирландии муж с женой взяли напрокат фургон, запряженный огромной кобылой. Целый день они разъез- жали по окрестностям, а к вечеру остановились у реки отдохнуть. Муж, никогда до этого не живший в сельской местности, довольно смело стал распрягать лошадь. Перед этим он достал фотоаппарат для моментальной съемки и начал снимать кобылу в самых разно- образных ракурсах: спереди, сбоку, сзади. -- Это что, уникальное животное? -- спросила жена. -- Да, конечно. К тому же я просто не смогу запрячь ее за- втра утром, если не будет этих снимков.
4.08. в ванной кв.34 по ул. Ремесленной 21 обнаружен труп Панасенко, который мылся в горячей воде, употребив перед этим спиртное.