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topics in science V2
Topics in Science Volume 2 uses graphics and animations to visualize and to provide insights into the following topics:
Phase equilibrium
Equilibrium constant
Basic thermodynamic functions
Tic Tac Total
Entertaining kids game that gives mental addition practice. The program optionally offers addition problems with positive and negative numbers. Supports 1-2 players with multiple difficulty levels. Intuitive interface and easy TicTacToe based rules.
ThaiTrainer111 gives you a quick and easy way to study and learn the Thai language independently. With sound and pictures. We have included phonetic writing in English as well as spoken text in this program.
Virtual Teacher Screensaver
Are you one of millions out there who are trying to learn foreign language, but never have enough time? Get VTeacher a screensaver that displays words and phrases you are trying to learn and their translation. New product, 100% free to try!
Time Flies
Time Flies, a great way to teach children how to read analog clocks in an ever increasing digital world. 4 different activities to choose from with various degrees of difficulty, three different types of printable works sheets, and much much more...
Time Tracker
Time Tracker teaches young children how to tell time using an analog clock. There are ten educational levels ranging from simple hour hand manipulation to complex double-digit subtraction.
TimeChimes will play a sound or sounds at pre-scheduled times of day on each day of the week. Typically, TimeChimes can used to play school bells or shift-time sounds in factories or businesses.
Title Bar Reader
Read your favorite jokes, stories, poems, lyrics and proverbs in a title bar.
topics in science V1
Topics in Science Volume 1 uses graphics and animations to visualize and provide insights into the following topics:
• Ionic bond formation and ionic crystal formation
• Acceleration
• DNA duplication
• Cell organelles