Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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Free tool to convert project plans created by MS-Project (MPP files) to Smartworks Project planner (PPR) format. Users can now share the MPP files with others who do not have MS-Project installed on their system.


ProKalc is a full featured scientific calculator featuring a scrolling tape and 15-digit accuracy. Integrated help is available through a unique hot-key interface.


ProKon is a calculator unlike any you've seen before. It features unit conversions of over 400,000 units, a pop-up scientific/financial/geometry calculator with tape, as well as many calculation modules covering a wide variety of topics.

PromOffice Device Registrar

With PromOffice Device Registrar you can build and maintain a database of measuring devices, effectively serve a set of measuring devices, analyze its states.

ProNETDOCS Legal Standard

ProNETDOCS Legal Standard is a Legal Document Management System (LDMS) solution designed to allow you to organize and share your documents while tracking your time & billing info and integrating with QuickBooks and other MS Office applications.


Can be used by any company Use plain paper to create and Print a Professional Proposal in color

Proton Barcode Wizard

No matter what type of printer you use (matrix, laser, inkjet) you can print any number of label for requested barcode. Besides that if your printer is a color one you can have a better visual arrangements like font, barcode and background.

PRWizard's Media Magnet

Automate you Press Release submission software by PR Wizard features targeted media & industry specific contacts already included in it's database of 28,000 editorial and media contacts!

PS Bombay

Database for organizing magazines and articles. Ideal for authors, free lance writers and researchers who want to store their data references in a sophisticated yet easy to use database. You can store and retrieve magazine publishers and articles, al


With PSMemoPak2000 you are only a click away from all the important days in yours or someone elses life. You’ll never again miss a date, birthday, party or an appointment. Activate the floating clock/calendar to stay on top of all your important in

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Любой фат подобен трясогузке.
К. Прутков


Одного мужчину спросили:
-- Как тебе удается жить без печали и обид?
-- А я строго придерживаюсь диалектики.
-- Как это?
-- Живу по строгому принципу: если нельзя, но очень хо-
чется, то можно!


В глубокомыслии легко и пеpемудpить.

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