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» Business
Production Mix Model Excel
Maximize overall profit by optimizing resource use, for products or services. Up to six unique outputs can be handled with ten specific resource inputs. It considers the resource demand, profit contribution and any minimum or maximum requirements.
Time tracking application for personal and company-wide time collection and project management.
Profile is a Personnel Management System designed for the storage and reporting of information relating to employees, club members, students or any similar organisation.
Profit Contribution Breakdown Excel
Profit Contribution Breakdown identifies the components of your business profit. This component performance is combined with indicators for future potential and business ability to identify areas that will maximize current and future performance.
Proforma enables you to sell your goods or services by credit card.It is ready to use stand-alone, for processing mail orders, or on your website for on-line sailes.Proforma is open source, and there is no setup fee, montly charges or trial period.
ProfPDF Information Manager
Application for change document information for PDF files. Adobe Acrobat is not required. Simply select the PDF file or folder with PDF files, set document's information, charset and push "Start" button. PDF document information will changed.
ProfPDF Protection Manager
Specialized application for add/change/remove standard security in the PDF documens. Adobe Acrobat is not required. Simply select the PDF file or folder with PDF files, set protection options and push "Start" button. PDF encryption will changed.
Programmator for Panasonic KX-TA308/616/624
Programmator is a programming tool for the Panasonic KX-TA308 / Panasonic
KX-TA616 / Panasonic KX-TA624 PBX (programming, management, and
administration). The built-in "installation help" can aid you to solve
many difficult problems.
Project Clock Standard
Project Clock is an easy to use project time recording system. Project Clock is a useful application for consultants, lawyers, engineers or anyone else who must keep track of time billed to different projects.
Project Clock Client/Server
Project Clock Client/Server is an easy to use multi-user project time recording system. Project Clock is a useful application for consultants, lawyers, engineers or anyone else who must keep track of time billed to different projects.
Мы познаем человека не по тому, что он знает, а по тому, чему он радуется. А. Бергсон
Соседка говорит соседке: -- Как тебе не стыдно? Макитру уже, видать, разбила, поэ- тому и не возвращаешь? -- Что ты, соседка! Во-первых, я твою макитру не брала; во- вторых, она была у тебя уже треснувшая, а в-третьих, я уже ее давно тебе вернула.
Меняю хорошего лектора на хорошее пиво...