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PPT to PDF Converter
PPT to PDF Converter is a PowerPoint Plugin that convert PPT to PDF, PowerPoint document to PDF automatically.
PractiCount and Invoice
Universal word counting and line counting and invoicing software for freelance translators, transcriptionists, writers. Batch text count in Word, PowerPoint, Excel, WordPerfect, HTML and PDF files. Adjustable word, line, page, character count options
Pragmatic Office
Pragmatic Office is a powerful intranet that allows your team to collaborate effectively via the web. Share documents, appointments, project deliverables, and customer contacts via the web. Schedule conference rooms and vacations.
preCharge Secure Client
The preCharge Secure Client provides an in-depth analysis for ecommerce transactions. The software provides access right on your desk top to the most comprehensive scoring system, anti-fraud utility and chargeback prevention software online today.
Space Journey 2
Space Journey 2 screensaver images transport you on a deep space voyage ending nearly a billion light years away. 21 exquisite, graceful and truly fantastic high resolution images from NASA's greatest images. From star birth to collisions of galaxies
Create powerful multi-slide presentations for on-line or printed presentations. Add text and graphics to each slide. Master slides give your presentation a consistent, professional look. Includes tutorial, 100 templates and examples.
PresenterSoft MediaEasy
A powerful multimedia authoring tool that allows you to create web-based streaming video presentations including PowerPoint slides, images ,HTML and flash that change in synchronization with video. Support rm, ra, asf, wmv, wma, mp3, avi, mpeg.
Reallusion PresentPack
PresentPack series of PowerPoint Templates. Each PresentPack pack includes 10 subtopics each with 3 different designs providing a total of 30 templates in all. There are currently 4 different packs available.
Press Releaser
The Press Releaser lets the user type in all the facts, checks that the information is correct, including all links to the Internet, and then generates a press release.
Pricelist Analyser
An annoying aspect from pricelists is the lack of uniformity. This results in the obligation to manually update and/or import the (new) records into your database. This is pure waste.And that's where Pricelist Analyser comes in.
Верный тон не может быть слабым. Б. Шоу
-- Дружище! И чего это ты до сих пор не женился? -- Я рад бы, но не могу подобрать себе пару. -- А какую же ты ищешь? -- Я хочу, чтобы она была и богатая, и красивая, и глупая. -- О, почему так? -- А вот почему. Если не будет богатой и красивой, то я ее не захочу, а если будет умной, то она меня не захочет. Реальность!
Принцип оптимиста - завтра будет лучше, чем послезавтра...